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Filtros: Palavra-chave is Eutrophication  [Clear All Filters]
J Duffy E, Reynolds PL, Boström C, et al. Biodiversity mediates top-down control in eelgrass ecosystems: a global comparative-experimental approach. Ecol Lett. 2015;18(7):696-705. doi:10.1111/ele.12448
Cravo A, Fernandes D, Damião T, Pereira C, Reis MP. Determining the footprint of sewage discharges in a coastal lagoon in South-Western Europe. Mar Pollut Bull. 2015;96(1-2):197-209. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.05.029
Tomas F, Martínez-Crego B, Hernán G, Santos R. Responses of seagrass to anthropogenic and natural disturbances do not equally translate to its consumers. Glob Chang Biol. 2015;21(11):4021-30. doi:10.1111/gcb.13024
Oliva S, Romero J, Pérez M, et al. Reproductive strategies and isolation-by-demography in a marine clonal plant along an eutrophication gradient. Mol Ecol. 2014;23(23):5698-711. doi:10.1111/mec.12973