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Filtros: Palavra-chave is Protozoan Proteins  [Clear All Filters]
Araujo NCP, Afonso R, Bringela A, M. Cancela L, Cristiano MLS, Leite RB. Peroxides with antiplasmodial activity inhibit proliferation of Perkinsus olseni, the causative agent of Perkinsosis in bivalves. Parasitol Int. 2013;62(6):575-82. doi:10.1016/j.parint.2013.06.010
Leite RB, Brito AB, M. Cancela L. An oxygen molecular sensor, the HIF prolyl 4-hydroxylase, in the marine protist Perkinsus olseni. Protist. 2008;159(3):355-68. doi:10.1016/j.protis.2008.03.002
Nery SVaz, Deans A-M, Mosobo M, Marsh K, J Rowe A, Conway DJ. Expression of Plasmodium falciparum genes involved in erythrocyte invasion varies among isolates cultured directly from patients. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2006;149(2):208-15. doi:10.1016/j.molbiopara.2006.05.014