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Filtros: Palavra-chave is Gene Frequency  [Clear All Filters]
Prévot V, Jordaens K, Van Houtte N, et al. Taxonomic and population genetic re-interpretation of two color morphs of the decollate snail, Rumina decollata (Mollusca, Pulmonata) in southern France. Genetica. 2013;141(7-9):281-92. doi:10.1007/s10709-013-9727-4
Arnaud-Haond S, Goyard E, Vonau V, Herbaut C, Prou J, Saulnier D. Pearl formation: persistence of the graft during the entire process of biomineralization. Mar Biotechnol (NY). 2007;9(1):113-6. doi:10.1007/s10126-006-6033-5
Arnaud-Haond S, Alberto F, Teixeira S, Procaccini G, Serrão EA, Duarte CM. Assessing genetic diversity in clonal organisms: low diversity or low resolution? Combining power and cost efficiency in selecting markers. J Hered. 2005;96(4):434-40. doi:10.1093/jhered/esi043
Engel CR, Daguin C, Serrão EA. Genetic entities and mating system in hermaphroditic Fucus spiralis and its close dioecious relative F. vesiculosus (Fucaceae, Phaeophyceae). Mol Ecol. 2005;14(7):2033-46. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02558.x
Tatarenkov A, Bergström L, Jönsson RB, Serrão EA, Kautsky L, Johannesson K. Intriguing asexual life in marginal populations of the brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. Mol Ecol. 2005;14(2):647-51. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02425.x
Streiff R, Mira S, Castro M, M. Cancela L. Multiple paternity in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus L.) assessed with microsatellite markers. Mar Biotechnol (NY). 2004;6(1):60-6. doi:10.1007/s10126-003-0015-7
Guillemaud T, Streiff R, R Santos S, Afonso P, Morato T, M. Cancela L. Microsatellite characterization in the rainbow wrasse Coris julis (Pisces: labridae). Mol Ecol. 2000;9(5):631-2.