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Filtros: Palavra-chave is Parathyroid Hormone-Related Protein  [Clear All Filters]
Guerreiro PM, Fuentes J, Power DM, Ingleton PM, Flik G, Canario AVM. Parathyroid hormone-related protein: a calcium regulatory factor in sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) larvae. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2001;281(3):R855-60.
Flanagan JA, Power DM, Bendell LA, et al. Cloning of the cDNA for sea bream (Sparus aurata) parathyroid hormone-related protein. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2000;118(3):373-82. doi:10.1006/gcen.2000.7481
Power DM, Ingleton PM, Flanagan J, et al. Genomic structure and expression of parathyroid hormone-related protein gene (PTHrP) in a teleost, Fugu rubripes. Gene. 2000;250(1-2):67-76.
Danks JA, Trivett MK, Power DM, Canario AVM, Martin TJ, Ingleton PM. Parathyroid hormone-related protein in lower vertebrates. Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. 1998;25(9):750-2.
Devlin AJ, Danks JA, Faulkner MK, et al. Immunochemical detection of parathyroid hormone-related protein in the saccus vasculosus of a teleost fish. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 1996;101(1):83-90. doi:10.1006/gcen.1996.0010
Danks JA, Devlin AJ, Ho PM, et al. Parathyroid hormone-related protein is a factor in normal fish pituitary. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 1993;92(2):201-12. doi:10.1006/gcen.1993.1156