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Abrantes F. A 340,000 year continental climate record from tropical Africa – news from opal phytoliths from the equatorial Atlantic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2003;209(1-2):165 - 179. doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(03)00039-6
da Silva JPaulo. Aqueous photochemistry of pesticides triadimefon and triadimenol. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry. 2003;154(2-3):293 - 298. doi:10.1016/S1010-6030(02)00328-3
Chícharo A, Esteves E, A Santos MP, Santos Ados, Peliz Á, Ré P. Are sardine larvae caught off northern Portugal in winter starving? An approach examining nutritional conditions. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2003;257:303–309.
Brander K, Blom G, Borges MF, Erzini K, Henderson G. Are we seeing a coherent response to changing temperature?. In: Ices Marine Science Symposia. ICES Marine Science Symposia. ; 2003.
Chícharo A, Chı́charo L, Amaral A, Condinho S, Gaspar M. Chronic effects of dredging-induced stress on the clam (Spisula solida): nucleic acid and lipid composition. Fisheries Research. 2003;63(3):447 - 452. doi:10.1016/S0165-7836(03)00077-8
Gaspar M. A comparison of direct macrofaunal mortality using three types of clam dredges. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2003;60(4):733 - 742. doi:10.1016/S1054-3139(03)00023-7
Geenen S, Jordaens K, Castilho R, Backeljau T. Congruence between starch gel and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in detecting allozyme variation in pulmonate land slugs. Electrophoresis. 2003;24(4):622-7. doi:10.1002/elps.200390072
M.S. R, V.G. B, N. B, R. B. CVD synthesis and CEMS study of Fe sulphide and oxide thin films. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2003;39.
Rotllant J, Worthington GP, Fuentes J, et al. Determination of tissue and plasma concentrations of PTHrP in fish: development and validation of a radioimmunoassay using a teleost 1-34 N-terminal peptide. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2003;133(1):146-53.
Ozório ROA, Verreth JAJ, Aragão C, et al. Dietary carnitine supplements increased lipid metabolism and decreased protein oxidation in African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) juveniles fed high fat diets. Journal of Aquaculture in the Tropics. 2003;18:225-238.
Cabrita E, Robles V, Chereguini O, de Paz P, Anel L, Herráez MP. Dimethyl sulfoxide influx in turbot embryos exposed to a vitrification protocol. Theriogenology. 2003;60(3):463 - 473. doi:10.1016/S0093-691X(03)00033-5
Elandalloussi LM, Afonso R, Nunes PA, M. Cancela L. Effect of desferrioxamine and 2,2'-bipyridyl on the proliferation of Perkinsus atlanticus. Biomol Eng. 2003;20(4-6):349-54.
Cabrita E, Chereguini O, Luna M, de Paz P, Herráez MP. Effect of different treatments on the chorion permeability to DMSO of turbot embryos (Scophthalmus maximus). Aquaculture. 2003;221(1-4):593 - 604. doi:10.1016/S0044-8486(03)00073-5
Domingues P, Poirier R, Dickel L, Almansa E, Sykes AV, Andrade JP. Effects of culture density and different live prey on growth and survival of young cuttlefish, S. officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758). Aquaculture International. 2003;11(3):225 - 242. doi:10.1023/A:1024803802486
Domingues P, Sykes AV, Sommerfield A, Andrade JP. Effects of feeding live or frozen prey on growth, survival and the life cycle of the cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis (Linnaeus, 1758). Aquaculture International. 2003;11(5):397 - 410. doi:10.1023/B:AQUI.0000004195.92236.3a
Ros AFH, Canario AVM, Couto E, Zeilstra I, Oliveira RF. Endocrine correlates of intra-specific variation in the mating system of the St. Peter's fish (Sarotherodon galilaeus). Horm Behav. 2003;44(4):365-73.
Aurelle D, Guillemaud T, Afonso P, et al. Genetic study of Coris julis (Osteichthyes, Perciformes, Labridae) evolutionary history and dispersal abilities. C R Biol. 2003;326(8):771-85.
A. Shaw J, Cox CJ, Boles SB. Global patterns in peatmoss biodiversity. Molecular Ecology. 2003;12(10):2553 - 2570. doi:10.1046/j.1365-294X.2003.01929.x
Pina T, Esteves E, Andrade JPedro. Gross and histological observations of ovarian development in twaite shad, Alosa fallax fallax, from Rivers Mira and Guadiana (Portugal). Scientia Marina. 2003;67(3):313 - 322. doi:10.3989/scimar.2003.67n310.3989/scimar.2003.67n3313
Modesto T, Canario AVM. Hormonal control of swimbladder sonic muscle dimorphism in the Lusitanian toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus. J Exp Biol. 2003;206(Pt 19):3467-77.
Petkam R, Renaud RL, Freitas AMMS, et al. In vitro metabolism of pregnenolone to 7alpha-hydroxypregnenolone by rainbow trout embryos. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2003;131(3):241-9.
Cristiano MLS, Gago DJP, Gonsalves AM d'ARo, Johnstone RAW, McCarron M, Varejão JMTB. Investigations into the mechanism of action of nitrobenzene as a mild dehydrogenating agent under acid-catalysed conditions. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 2003;1(3):565 - 574. doi:10.1039/b210887a
Pinto JP, Conceição N, Gavaia P, M. Cancela L. Matrix Gla protein gene expression and protein accumulation colocalize with cartilage distribution during development of the teleost fish Sparus aurata. Bone. 2003;32(3):201-10.
Modesto T, Canario AVM. Morphometric changes and sex steroid levels during the annual reproductive cycle of the Lusitanian toadfish, Halobatrachus didactylus. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2003;131(3):220-31.
Ferreira LFVieira, Ferreira MRVieira, da Silva JPaulo, Machado IFerreira, Oliveira AS, Prata J�V. Novel laser-induced luminescence resulting from benzophenone/O-propylated p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene complexes. A diffuse reflectance study. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences. 2003;2(10):1002. doi:10.1039/b306582k