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Boavida J, Assis J, Reed J, Serrão EA, Gonçalves JMS. Comparison of small remotely operated vehicles and diver-operated video of circalittoral benthos. Hydrobiologia. 2016;766(1):247 - 260. doi:10.1007/s10750-015-2459-y
Oliveira D, Desprat S, Rodrigues T, et al. The complexity of millennial-scale variability in southwestern Europe during MIS 11Abstract. Quaternary Research. 2016;86(03):373 - 387. doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2016.09.002
Reis DB, Acosta NG, Almansa E, et al. Composition and metabolism of phospholipids in Octopus vulgaris and Sepia officinalis hatchlings. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2016;200:62-8. doi:10.1016/j.cbpb.2016.06.001
Santos CBde los, Onoda Y, Vergara JJ, et al. A comprehensive analysis of mechanical and morphological traits in temperate and tropical seagrass species. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2016;551:81 - 94. doi:10.3354/meps11717
Santos CB de los, Onoda Y, Vergara JJ, et al. A comprehensive analysis of mechanical and morphological traits in temperate and tropical seagrass species. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2016;551. doi:10.3354/meps11717
Santos CB de los, Onoda Y, Vergara JJ, et al. A comprehensive analysis of mechanical and morphological traits in temperate and tropical seagrass species. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2016;551:91. doi:
McKenzie DJ, Axelsson M, Chabot D, et al. Conservation physiology of marine fishes: state of the art and prospects for policy. Conservation Physiology. 2016;4(1):cow046. doi:10.1093/conphys/cow046
Afonso P, Abecasis D, Santos RSerrão, Fontes J. Contrasting movements and residency of two serranids in a small Macaronesian MPA. Fisheries Research. 2016;177:59 - 70. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2015.12.014
Frija LMT, Alegria ECBA, Sutradhar M, et al. Copper(II) and cobalt(II) tetrazole-saccharinate complexes as effective catalysts for oxidation of secondary alcohols. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical. 2016;425:283 - 290. doi:10.1016/j.molcata.2016.10.023
Cardoso JCR, Bergqvist CA, Félix RC, Larhammar D. Corticotropin-releasing hormone family evolution: five ancestral genes remain in some lineages. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology. 2016;57(1):73 - 86. doi:10.1530/JME-16-0051
Aureliano M. Decavanadate Toxicology and Pharmacological Activities: V10 or V1, Both or None?. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2016;2016:6103457. doi:10.1155/2016/6103457
Assis J, Coelho NCastilho, Lamy T, Valero M, Alberto F, Serrão EA. Deep reefs are climatic refugia for genetic diversity of marine forests. Journal of Biogeography. 2016;43(4):833 - 844. doi:10.1111/jbi.12677
Ballester A, Castro L, Costa MClara, et al. Design of remediation pilot plants for the treatment of industrial metal-bearing effluents (BIOMETAL DEMO project): Lab tests. Hydrometallurgy. 2016. doi:10.1016/j.hydromet.2016.10.010
Abrantes F, Cermeno P, Lopes C, et al. Diatoms Si uptake capacity drives carbon export in coastal upwelling systems. Biogeosciences. 2016;13(14):4099 - 4109. doi:10.5194/bg-13-4099-201610.5194/bg-13-4099-2016-supplement
Estensoro I, Ballester-Lozano G, Ballester-Lozano G, et al. Dietary Butyrate Helps to Restore the Intestinal Status of a Marine Teleost (Sparus aurata) Fed Extreme Diets Low in Fish Meal and Fish Oil. PlosOne. 2016;11(11). doi:
Rocha F, Dias J, Geurden I, Dinis MTeresa, Panserat S, Engrola S. Dietary glucose stimulus at larval stage modifies the carbohydrate metabolic pathway in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) juveniles: An in vivo approach using (14)C-starch. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2016;201:189-99. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2016.07.016
Canada P, Engrola S, Richard N, et al. Dietary indispensable amino acids profile affects protein utilization and growth of Senegalese sole larvae. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2016. doi:10.1007/s10695-016-0235-1
Martins GM, Hipólito C, Parreira F, et al. Differences in the structure and functioning of two communities: Frondose and turf-forming macroalgal dominated habitats. Marine Environmental Research. 2016;116:71-77. doi:
Sordo L, Santos R, Reis J, Shulika A, Silva J. A direct CO2 control system for ocean acidification experiments: testing effects on the coralline red algae Phymatolithon lusitanicum. PeerJ, DOI 10.7717/peerj.2503. In: Mares 2016. MARES 2016. ; 2016.
Baduy F, Soares D, Teixeira D, et al. DISPERSION OF THE INVASIVE Australoheros facetus INTO UPPER ESTUARIES MAY BE DETERRED BY SALINITY-RELATED EFFECTS ON BOTH PHYSIOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR . In: Vi Iberian Congress Of Ichthyology. VI Iberian Congress of Ichthyology. ; 2016.
Baduy F, Soares D, Teixeira D, et al. Dispersion of the invasive Australoheros factus inti upper estuaries may be deterred by salinity-related effects on both physiology and behaviour. In: Vi Iberian Congress Of Ichthyology. VI Iberian Congress of Ichthyology. ; 2016.
Fontela M, García-Ibañez MI, Hansell DA, Mercier H, Pérez FF. Dissolved Organic Carbon in the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Scientific Reports. 2016;6(1). doi:10.1038/srep26931
Segovia-Viadero M, Serrão EA, Canteras-Jordana JC, Gonzalez-Wangüemert M. Do hatchery-reared sea urchins pose a threat to genetic diversity in wild populations?. Heredity. 2016;116(4):378 - 383. doi:10.1038/hdy.2015.109
Segovia-Viadero M, Serrão EA, Canteras-Jordana JC, Gonzalez-Wangüemert M. Do hatchery-reared sea urchins pose a threat to genetic diversity in wild populations?. Heredity (Edinb). 2016;116(4):378-83. doi:10.1038/hdy.2015.109
Santos DMatias, Rita AMartins, Casanellas I, et al. Ear wound regeneration in the African spiny mouse Acomys cahirinus. Regeneration (Oxf). 2016;3(1):52-61. doi:10.1002/reg2.50