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Sousa S, Afonso N, Bensimon-Brito A, et al. Differentiated skeletal cells contribute to blastema formation during zebrafish fin regeneration. Development. 2011;138(18):3897-905. doi:10.1242/dev.064717
Varela-Álvarez E, Glenn TC, Serrão EA, et al. Dinucleotide microsatellite markers in the genus Caulerpa. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2011;23(4):715 - 719. doi:10.1007/s10811-010-9568-9
Cardoso JCR, Laiz-Carrion R, Louro B, et al. Divergence of duplicate POMC genes in gilthead sea bream Sparus auratus. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2011;173(3):396-404. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2010.12.001
Cardoso JCR, Laiz-Carrion R, Louro B, et al. Divergence of duplicate POMC genes in gilthead sea bream Sparus auratus. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2011;173:396-404. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2010.12.001
Cánovas F, Mota CF, Serrão EA, Pearson GA. Driving south: a multi-gene phylogeny of the brown algal family Fucaceae reveals relationships and recent drivers of a marine radiation. BMC Evol Biol. 2011;11:371. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-11-371
Tiago T, Marques-da-Silva D, Samhan-Arias AK, Aureliano M, Gutiérrez-Merino C. Early disruption of the actin cytoskeleton in cultured cerebellar granule neurons exposed to 3-morpholinosydnonimine-oxidative stress is linked to alterations of the cytosolic calcium concentration. Cell Calcium. 2011;49(3):174-83. doi:10.1016/j.ceca.2011.01.009
Beirão J, Cabrita E, Pérez-Cerezales S, Martínez-Páramo S, Herráez MP. Effect of cryopreservation on fish sperm subpopulations. Cryobiology. 2011;62(1):22-31. doi:10.1016/j.cryobiol.2010.11.005
Matos E, Silva TS, Tiago T, Aureliano M, Dinis MTeresa, Dias J. Effect of harvesting stress and storage conditions on protein degradation in fillets of farmed gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata): A differential scanning calorimetry study. Food Chemistry. 2011;126(1):270 - 276. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2010.11.017
Fernández I, Gisbert E. The effect of vitamin A on flatfish development and skeletogenesis: A review. Aquaculture. 2011;315(1-2):34 - 48. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2010.11.025
M Andersson Å, Silva PIM, Steffensen JF, Höglund E. Effects of maternal stress coping style on offspring characteristics in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Horm Behav. 2011;60(5):699-705. doi:10.1016/j.yhbeh.2011.09.008
Chefaoui RM, Lobo JM, Hortal J. Effects of species’ traits and data characteristics on distribution models of threatened invertebrates. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. 2011;34:229–247.
Cabrita E, Soares F, Beirão J, García-López A, Martínez-Rodríguez G, Dinis MT. Endocrine and milt response of Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, males maintained in captivity. Theriogenology. 2011;75(1):1-9. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2010.07.003
Liarte S, Chaves-Pozo E, Abellán E, et al. Estrogen-responsive genes in macrophages of the bony fish gilthead seabream: a transcriptomic approach. Dev Comp Immunol. 2011;35(8):840-9. doi:10.1016/j.dci.2011.03.015
Coyer JA, Hoarau G, Costa JF, et al. Evolution and diversification within the intertidal brown macroalgae Fucus spiralis/F. vesiculosus species complex in the North Atlantic. Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2011;58(2):283-96. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2010.11.015
Aires T, Marbà N, Cunha RL, et al. Evolutionary history of the seagrass genus Posidonia. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2011;421:117 - 130. doi:10.3354/meps08879
Cunha RL, Blanc F, Bonhomme F, Arnaud-Haond S. Evolutionary patterns in pearl oysters of the genus Pinctada (Bivalvia: Pteriidae). Mar Biotechnol (NY). 2011;13(2):181-92. doi:10.1007/s10126-010-9278-y
Massa SI, Pearson GA, Aires T, et al. Expressed sequence tags from heat-shocked seagrass Zostera noltii (Hornemann) from its southern distribution range. Mar Genomics. 2011;4(3):181-8. doi:10.1016/j.margen.2011.04.003
Costas B, Aragão C, Ruiz-Jarabo I, et al. Feed deprivation in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858) juveniles: effects on blood plasma metabolites and free amino acid levels. Fish Physiol Biochem. 2011;37(3):495-504. doi:10.1007/s10695-010-9451-2
Barluenga M, Austerlitz F, Elzinga JA, Teixeira S, Goudet J, Bernasconi G. Fine-scale spatial genetic structure and gene dispersal in Silene latifolia. Heredity (Edinb). 2011;106(1):13-24. doi:10.1038/hdy.2010.38
Anney RJL, Kenny EM, O'Dushlaine C, et al. Gene-ontology enrichment analysis in two independent family-based samples highlights biologically plausible processes for autism spectrum disorders. European Journal of Human Genetics. 2011;19(10):1082 - 1089. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2011.75
Cunha RL, Lopes EP, Reis DM, Castilho R. Genetic structure of Brachidontes puniceus populations in Cape Verde archipelago shows signature of expansion during the last glacial maximum. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 2011;77.
Coyer JA, Hoarau G, Pearson GA, et al. Genomic scans detect signatures of selection along a salinity gradient in populations of the intertidal seaweed Fucus serratus on a 12 km scale. Mar Genomics. 2011;4(1):41-9. doi:10.1016/j.margen.2010.12.003
Voelker AHL, de Abreu L. Geophysical Monograph SeriesAbrupt Climate Change: Mechanisms, Patterns, and Impacts - A Review of Abrupt Climate Change Events in the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean (Iberian Margin): Latitudinal, Longitudinal, and Vertical Gradients. In: Rashid H, Polyak L, Mosley-Thompson E, eds. Vol. 193. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union; 2011:15 - 37. doi:10.1029/GM19310.1029/2010GM001021
Tiago DM, Laizé V, Bargelloni L, Ferraresso S, Romualdi C, M. Cancela L. Global analysis of gene expression in mineralizing fish vertebra-derived cell lines: new insights into anti-mineralogenic effect of vanadate. BMC Genomics. 2011;12:310. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-310
Treviño L, Alvarez-González CA, Perales-García N, et al. A histological study of the organogenesis of the digestive system in bay snook Petenia splendida Günther, 1862 from hatching to the juvenile stage. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2011;27(1):73 - 82. doi:10.1111/jai.2011.27.issue-110.1111/j.1439-0426.2010.01608.x