Seminar | Page 42 | - CCMAR -


Besides sharing scientific advances, knowledge and opportunities, scientific seminars are ideal settings to stimulate critical scientific thinking, foster networking and promote research opportunities. The CCMAR Seminars are held frequently, usually on Wednesdays, and are presented not only by CCMAR researchers but also by national and international collaborators. Our seminars cover a wide range of topics, including new scientific discoveries and approaches, opportunities for research funding and partnerships, original state-of-the-art research, the description of innovative resources and tools for science and the contributions of research to Blue Growth, Blue Society and policy making.


Our seminar program is managed by the CCMAR PhD Candidates Comittee. If you want to propose a seminar,  contact them through


Our Scientific Seminars are kindly sponsored by:


Next wednesday, we will host Irene Olivé (CCMAR) at CCMAR Seminars by Izasa, who will talk about...

08 March 2017
Anf. 1.8 (bdg 8) - Gambelas Campus UAlg

This wednesday, we will receive Gil Martins (CCMAR) and Aldric Negrier (Reprapalgarve).


08 March 2017
Anf. 1.8 (bdg 8) - Gambelas Campus UAlg

Next week, we will receive Brooke Porter, at CCMAR Seminars by Izasa Scientific.


02 March 2017
Anf. A (CP) - Gambelas Campus UAlg
08 February 2017
Anf. 1.8 (edf. 8) - Gambelas Campus UAlg

Next wednesday, we will receive Jorge Gonçalves, at CCMAR Seminars by Izasa Scientific.


08 February 2017
Anf. 1.8 (edf. 8) - Gambelas Campus UAlg