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Parental and early-feeding effects of dietary methionine in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Aquaculture. 2017;469:16 - 27. doi:
. Chemical communication in cichlids: A mini-review. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2015;221:64-74. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.01.001
. Lack of evidence for a role of olfaction on first maturation in farmed sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2015;221:114-9. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.02.017
. Reproductive investment, synchrony and recruitment success in marine broadcast spawners: Effects of mating system and habitat (exposed shore versus estuary). Mar Environ Res. 2015;112(Pt B):33-9. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2015.07.001
. Steroidogenesis by testis and accessory glands of the Lusitanian toadfish, Halobatrachus didactylus, during reproductive season. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2015;223:120-8. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2015.09.026
. Unravelling the Evolution of the Allatostatin-Type A, KISS and Galanin Peptide-Receptor Gene Families in Bilaterians: Insights from Anopheles Mosquitoes. PLoS One. 2015;10(7):e0130347. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0130347
Using biological variables and reproductive strategy of the undulate ray Raja undulata to evaluate productivity and susceptibility to exploitation. J Fish Biol. 2015;86(5):1471-90. doi:10.1111/jfb.12653
. Castration affects reproductive but not aggressive behavior in a cichlid fish. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2014;207:34-40. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2014.03.018
. Chemical communication in tilapia: a comparison of Oreochromis mossambicus with O. niloticus. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2014;207:13-20. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2014.06.022
. Effects of estrogens and estrogenic disrupting compounds on fish mineralized tissues. Mar Drugs. 2014;12(8):4474-94. doi:10.3390/md12084474
. Identity of a tilapia pheromone released by dominant males that primes females for reproduction. Curr Biol. 2014;24(18):2130-5. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.07.049
Reproductive strategies and isolation-by-demography in a marine clonal plant along an eutrophication gradient. Mol Ecol. 2014;23(23):5698-711. doi:10.1111/mec.12973
Tilapia male urinary pheromone stimulates female reproductive axis. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2014;196:106-11. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2013.11.024
. Can dietary phospholipid and trace mineral supplementation influence zebrafish reproductive performance?. Commun Agric Appl Biol Sci. 2013;78(4):368-371.
Genetic evidence for polygynandry in the black-striped pipefish Syngnathus abaster: a microsatellite-based parentage analysis. J Hered. 2013;104(6):791-7. doi:10.1093/jhered/est049
. Sex-biased gene expression in the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus. BMC Genomics. 2013;14:294. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-14-294
. The effects of inbreeding, genetic dissimilarity and phenotype on male reproductive success in a dioecious plant. Proc Biol Sci. 2012;279(1726):91-100. doi:10.1098/rspb.2011.0652
. Prezygotic barriers to hybridization in marine broadcast spawners: reproductive timing and mating system variation. PLoS One. 2012;7(4):e35978. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035978
. Impact of photoperiod manipulation on day/night changes in melatonin, sex steroids and vitellogenin plasma levels and spawning rhythms in Senegal sole, Solea senegalensis. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. 2011;159(3):291-5. doi:10.1016/j.cbpa.2011.03.025
. Sperm quality evaluation in Solea senegalensis during the reproductive season at cellular level. Theriogenology. 2009;72(9):1251-61. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2009.07.021
. Bopyrid isopods do not castrate the simultaneously hermaphroditic shrimp Lysmata amboinensis (Decapoda: Hippolytidae). Dis Aquat Organ. 2006;73(1):73-6. doi:10.3354/dao073073
. Testicular development and plasma sex steroid levels in cultured male Senegalese sole Solea senegalensis Kaup. Gen Comp Endocrinol. 2006;147(3):343-51. doi:10.1016/j.ygcen.2006.02.003
. Genetic entities and mating system in hermaphroditic Fucus spiralis and its close dioecious relative F. vesiculosus (Fucaceae, Phaeophyceae). Mol Ecol. 2005;14(7):2033-46. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02558.x
. Olfactory discrimination of female reproductive status by male tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus). J Exp Biol. 2005;208(Pt 11):2037-43. doi:10.1242/jeb.01584
. Within-population spatial genetic structure, neighbourhood size and clonal subrange in the seagrass Cymodocea nodosa. Mol Ecol. 2005;14(9):2669-81. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02640.x