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Our researchers João Cardoso and Rute Martins are present at the event Mais Magalhães Mais Mundo in Lisbon.
In her presentation, was given a focus to an ongoing project, iNOVPESCA, that works towards solving competition between cetaceans and coastal fisheries.
CCMAR and the University of Algarve received the Corpo Nacional de Escutas of Algarve on a day full of activities, with the aim of raising awareness of the importance of recycling.
What effects can sunscreen products cause on corals? Pedro Frade, researcher at CCMAR, gave his opinion on Vogue.
Our researcher João Cardoso , from the Comparative Endocrinology and Integrative Biology group, went to Uppsala, Sweden as a guest research grant at the University of Uppsala.
Our researchers Bárbara Horta e Costa and Karim Erzini developed a new Regulation-Based Classification System for Marine Protected Areas that won a prize for the 2011-2012 call edition with the production of an animated video.
As part of the Ocupação Científica para Jovens nas Férias project, CCMAR once again received students for a week in internships in our laboratories.
Our researchers Deborah Power, João Cardoso, Rute Félix and Liliana Anjos and our PhD students Lisen Li and MaoXiao Peng went to Shanghai to participate in a scientific campaign FITMUSSEL.
CCMAR researchers led a study that revealed that Europe has lost one third of its seagrass meadows in the past 150 years. But they also have good news...