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Our researcher was invited to participate in a workshop to discuss dolphin depredation mitigation in Mediterranean fisheries
The study is the result of a year of joint work by 67 experts who established a final list of 37 selected indicators, and for the first time governance indicators were selected and prioritised for monitoring these areas in...
We have teamed up with partners to launch a new bathing season campaign to raise awareness for the conservation of this iconic species.
This exhibit presents some of the main results obtained in the MARSW project, namely on species with conservation or commercial interest, on habitats considered as priority for conservation or on human activities, such as...
The nomination of Juliette Biquet followed her application in February for the recruitment of two new young researchers for this mission and places the researcher in the European leader in marine science policy.
Bárbara Horta e Costa and Jorge Gonçalves defend in an appeal recently published that concrete science-based, transparent and participatory measures are needed to protect the ocean.
Our researcher Fátima Abrantes organised the course in a hybrid format to provide PhD students and young researchers an exceptional opportunity to learn more about the biogeochemical and ecological dimensions of a changing ocean.
The paper, signed by over 50 scientists including our researcher Deborah Power, highlights priorities for understanding and protecting the ocean microbiome.
During the conference week, our researchers participated in several events that highlighted the importance of preserving and conserving the oceans and marine life.