Seminar: Discovery of Novel Pharmaceuticals from Marine and Desert Microorganisms | - CCMAR -

Seminar: Discovery of Novel Pharmaceuticals from Marine and Desert Microorganisms

Friday, February 22, 2019
Room 2.31 I Building 7 I Gambelas Campus

In this seminar, we’ll be talking about MNPs! MNPs are Marine Natural Products which represent the drugs isolated from marine sources. The ocean covers more than 80% of biodiversity in comparison with terrestrial biodiversity. Since marine species live under extreme conditions, they produce chemically unique compounds, which are of high interest in the pharmaceutical industry. Thus, marine organisms are a potential source of novel antimicrobial compounds. Every year, almost 1000 novel metabolites are added to the literature from marine source. The marine source emerges as the frontier of medical research.



Friday I February 22 I 12:00



Room 2.31 I Building 7 I Gambelas Campus


About our speaker:

MS Subha Arjunan is a Ph.D student in Natural Products Chemistry at the University of Aberdeen. Currently she is working in CCMAR on ma short project which is funded by EMBRIC.


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