SushiFish: Promoting food quality by reseachers and industry | - CCMAR -

SushiFish: Promoting food quality by reseachers and industry


Promote technologies that contribute to improve the processing and monitoring of food quality of seafood products like fish, shellfish and bivalves was the aim of Sushifish projet. Of these technologies highlight non-thermal food processing ("cold pasteurization"), TTI smart tags ("time and temperature indicators") and use of advanced technologies (microbiome and proteome analyses) to identify and validate new biomarkers of quality and food safety. The projet is funded by the ERA-NET COFASP. 

The “Innovative and sustainable technologies for food quality monitoring and processing of seafood” workshop, took place on May 24th at our centre. Organized by the researchers Deborah Power, Adelino Canário, Liliana Anjos, Patrícia Pinto and Rute Martins from Comparative Endocrinology and Integrative Biology group, the event also had the collaboration of Theofania Tsironi from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), in Greece.  

Aimed at companies producing and distributing seafood products and all interested in the topics of processing and monitoring food quality of seafood were present 12 participants. In total, 5 institutions were represented that belonged to industry (aquaculture, commerce of fresh fish and seafood, technology) and university (biology and food engineering). 

The reseacher Deborah Power began to present the project and our centre, followed by a videoconference with Theofania Tsironi, specialist in food processing and smart labels, and two presentations given by the CCMAR researchers Patricia Pinto and Liliana Anjos. 

This was followed by a tasting session of sea bass filets and whole fish, treated with high-pressure in Greece and especially shipped to the CCMAR event. The results from the satisfaction questionnaire that were given to the participants in order to give their opinion based on the sensory evaluation of the fish served was good. The result was 8 in 10.