Our Planet Reviewed - New Caledonia Expedition | - CCMAR -

Our Planet Reviewed - New Caledonia Expedition

Friday, January 10, 2020
Room 2.31a I Building 7 I Gambelas Campus


Our Planet Reviewed is a major exploration programme of the natural world and aims to acquire new knowledge in the regions of the planet with the greatest biodiversity, but which have remained largely unexplored. This year the expedition of the Natural History Museum Paris lead to New Caledonia in order to explore the life of the world's second largest reef structure. I participated in the diving as well as basrcoding team and will give an insight in the sampling methods and work flow.


About our speaker:

Christina Egger is a former master student of the IMBRSea and future PhD candidate in Anton Dhorn Station, Italy.



This seminar was kindly sponsored by

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