Support offered
Visitors will be given access to all core facilities within CCMAR. These include: administration, general infrastructures including Internet access, accommodation, access to research vessel and smaller boats, diving facilities, documentation and communication, and laboratories. In the campus, there are 7 conventional large laboratories, 3 smaller laboratories, 3 special laboratories, walk-in temperature rooms and photoperiod controlled rooms, networking stations and online access to a wide range of scientific journals. A bioresources platform consisting of shared facilities for genomics/proteomics and chemistry which includes at present: one 3130xl ABI , 1 ABi Step one plus and 1 Biorad icycler real time pcr machines, 4 thermo-cyclers for sequencing and genotyping; one Typhoon Trio variable mode imager; Varian 240 MS GC/MS/DS , Vario ELIII CHNSO analyser , Agilent 1100/Esquire HCT plus LC-MS-MS, HPLC with various detection systems, Noldus integrated system for automating behavioural experiments, Gamma and scintillation counters, BIO synergy plate reader for fluorescence, luminescence and absorbance measurements. Five technicians are dedicated to operating these core facilities. The Ramalhete marine station offers excellent conditions for experimental work requiring maintenance and culture of marine invertebrates, algae and fish in tanks and aquaria. Technical and scientific support will be assigned to the visitors according to specific objectives.