Physical and biological links in the Great Barrier Reef | - CCMAR -

Physical and biological links in the Great Barrier Reef

Wednesday, June 7, 2023
University of Algarve, Gambelas Campus - Complexo Pedagógico, Anfiteatro B

The Great Barrier Reef is a 2000 km long ecosystem where the species rely on biophysical interactions to survive. Interdisciplinary studies demonstrate that physical, biological and chemical features are closely interrelated and interdependent.


The seminar will be held on June 7, at 13:30, at the University of Algarve, Gambelas Campus - Complexo Pedagógico, Anfiteatro B
Participation is free but mandatory to register.




About our speaker:

Professor Eric Wolanski is an oceanographer-ecohydrologist. He has 430 publications, a Google Scholar h-index of 86 and 24,700 citations.


This seminar was kindly sponsored by

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