Journal Article
Plasmodium infection alters Anopheles gambiae detoxification gene expression. BMC Genomics. 2010;11(1):312. .
Biotic indices for assessing the status of coastal waters: a review of strengths and weaknesses. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 2010;12(5):1013. .
Molecular evolution of the three short PGRPs of the malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles arabiensis in East Africa. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2010;10(1):9.
Variations in mid-latitude North Atlantic surface water properties during the mid-Brunhes (MIS 9–14) and their implications for the thermohaline circulation. Climate of the Past. 2010;6(4):531 - 552.
Bioenergetics of small pelagic fishes in upwelling systems: relationship between fish condition, coastal ecosystem dynamics and fisheries. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2010;410:205 - 218. .
Photochemistry of 4-Chlorophenol and 4-Chloroanisole Adsorbed on MFI Zeolites: Supramolecular Control of Chemoselectivity and Reactive Intermediate Dynamics. Organic Letters. 2010;12(13):3062 - 3065. .
Model based optimization of feeding regimens in aquaculture: application to the improvement of Octopus vulgaris viability in captivity. J Biotechnol. 2010;149(3):209-14. .
Second-generation environmental sequencing unmasks marine metazoan biodiversity. Nat Commun. 2010;1:98.
Changes in bioturbation of iron biogeochemistry and in molecular response of the clam Ruditapes decussates upon Perkinsus olseni infection. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 2010;59(3):433-43. .
Mangrove microniches determine the structural and functional diversity of enriched petroleum hydrocarbon-degrading consortia. FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2010;74(2):276-90.
Peroxynitrite-mediated oxidative modifications of myosin and implications on structure and function. Free Radic Res. 2010;44(11):1317-27. .
Photochemical transformations of tetrazole derivatives: applications in organic synthesis. Molecules. 2010;15(5):3757-74. .
The serendipitous origin of chordate secretin peptide family members. BMC Evol Biol. 2010;10:135. .
Extensive QTL and association analyses of the QTLMAS2009 Data. BMC Proc. 2010;4 Suppl 1:S11.
Ultrasequencing of the meiofaunal biosphere: practice, pitfalls and promises. Mol Ecol. 2010;19 Suppl 1:4-20.