Journal Article
The Role of Seagrass Traits in Mediating Zostera noltei Vulnerability to Mesograzers. PLoS One. 2016;11(6):e0156848. .
Genetic Diversity and Local Connectivity in the Mediterranean Red Gorgonian Coral after Mass Mortality Events. PLoS One. 2016;11(3):e0150590. .
Main causes of death in Dande, Angola: results from Verbal Autopsies of deaths occurring during 2009-2012. BMC Public Health. 2016;16:719.
Isolation Driven Divergence in Osmoregulation in Galaxias maculatus (Jenyns, 1848) (Actinopterygii: Osmeriformes). PLoS One. 2016;11(5):e0154766.
Enemies with benefits: parasitic endoliths protect mussels against heat stress. Sci Rep. 2016;6:31413. .
Climate variability across the last deglaciation in NW Iberia and its margin. Quaternary International. 2016;414:9 - 22.
Palaeohydrological changes over the last 50 ky in the central Gulf of Cadiz: complex forcing mechanisms mixing multi-scale processes. Biogeosciences. 2016;13(18):5357 - 5377. .
Diatoms Si uptake capacity drives carbon export in coastal upwelling systems. Biogeosciences. 2016;13(14):4099 - 4109.
Host and Environmental Specificity in Bacterial Communities Associated to Two Highly Invasive Marine Species (Genus Asparagopsis). Frontiers in Microbiology. 2016;7(559). .
Using niche models of indicator species to predict the distribution of xerophytic shrub dune communities. Web Ecology. 2016;16:47. .
A novel underwater visual census: seahorse population survey as a case study. Regional Studies in Marine Science. 2016;8(3). .
Effect of temperature on the growth, survival, development and foraging behaviour of Sardina pilchardus larvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2016;559:131–145.
Multilocus genetic analyses provide insight into speciation and hybridization in aquatic grasses, genus Ruppia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2016;117(2):177-191. .
Multilocus genetic analyses provide insight into speciation and hybridization in aquatic grasses, genus Ruppia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 2016;117(2):177-191. .
Differences in the structure and functioning of two communities: Frondose and turf-forming macroalgal dominated habitats. Marine Environmental Research. 2016;116:71-77.
Rising the Persian Gulf black-lip pearl oyster to the species level: fragmented habitat and chaotic genetic patchiness in Pinctada persica. Evolutionary Biology. 2016;43(1). .