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Journal Article


Campos C, Valente L, Conceição LEC, Engrola S, Fernandes J. Temperature affects methylation of the myogenin putative promoter, its expression and muscle cellularity in Senegalese sole larvae. Epigenetics. 2013;8(4):389 - 397.
Esen DSevinc, Arsu N, da Silva JPaulo, Jockusch S, Turro NJ. Benzoin type photoinitiator for free radical polymerization. Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry. 2013;51(8):1865 - 1871.
Jayaraj N, Jagadesan P, Samanta SR, da Silva JPaulo, Ramamurthy V. Release of Guests from Encapsulated Masked Hydrophobic Precursors by a Phototrigger. Organic Letters. 2013;15(17):4374 - 4377.
Pires RFT, Pan M, Santos AMP, Peliz A, Boutov D, A Santos dos. Modelling the variation in larval dispersal of estuarine and coastal ghost shrimp: Upogebia congeners in the Gulf of Cadiz. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2013;492:153 - 168.
Alonso-García M, Andrews JT, Belt ST, Cabedo-Sanz P, Darby D, Jaeger J. A comparison between multiproxy and historical data (AD 1990-1840) of drift ice conditions on the East Greenland Shelf ( 66 N). The Holocene. 2013;23(12):1672 - 1683.
Campos C, M. Castanheira F, Engrola S, Valente LMP, Fernandes JMO, Conceição LEC. Rearing temperature affects Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae protein metabolic capacity. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 2013;39(6):1485 - 1496.
Ibarz A, Pinto PIS, Power DM. Proteomic Approach to Skin Regeneration in a Marine Teleost: Modulation by Oestradiol-17β. Marine Biotechnology. 2013;15(6):629 - 646.
Santos RC, Almeida TS, Agapito F, Borges dos Santos RM, Simões JAMartinh. Thermodynamically sick molecules: searching for defective experimental enthalpies of formation values using empirical and quantum chemistry methods. Structural Chemistry. 2013;24(6):2017 - 2026.
Cabaço S, Apostolaki ET, García-Marín P, et al. Effects of nutrient enrichment on seagrass population dynamics: evidence and synthesis from the biomass-density relationships. Lee J, ed. Journal of Ecology. 2013;101(6):1552 - 1562.
Campos C, Fernandes JMO, Conceição LEC, Engrola S, Sousa V, Valente LMP. Thermal conditions during larval pelagic phase influence subsequent somatic growth of Senegalese sole by modulating gene expression and muscle growth dynamics. Aquaculture. 2013;414-415:46 - 55.
Ferter K, Weltersbach MS, Strehlow HV, et al. Unexpectedly high catch-and-release rates in European marine recreational fisheries: implications for science and management. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2013;70(7):1319 - 1329.
Grenha A, Rodrigues S. Pullulan-based nanoparticles: future therapeutic applications in transmucosal protein delivery. Therapeutic Delivery. 2013;4(11):1339 - 1341.
Abecasis D, Afonso P, O’Dor RK, Erzini K. Small MPAs do not protect cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Fisheries Research. 2013;147:196 - 201.
Correia M, Palma J, Koldewey H, Andrade JP. Can artificial holdfast units work as a habitat restoration tool for long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus Cuvier)?. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2013;448:258 - 264.
Ribeiro AL, Ribeiro V. Drug Metabolism and Transport Under Hypoxia. Current Drug Metabolism. 2013;14(9):969 - 975.
Cunha ME, Ré P, Quental-Ferreira H, Gavaia P, Pousão-Ferreira P. Larval and juvenile development of dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus reared in mesocosms. Journal of Fish Biology. 2013;83(3):448 - 465.
Dionísio M, Cordeiro C, Remuñán-López C, Seijo B, da Costa AMRosa, Grenha A. Pullulan-based nanoparticles as carriers for transmucosal protein delivery. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2013;50(1):102 - 113.
Encarnação J, Leitão F, Range P, Piló D, Chícharo A, Chícharo L. The influence of submarine groundwater discharges on subtidal meiofauna assemblages in south Portugal (Algarve). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2013;130:202 - 208.
Pessêgo M, da Silva JPaulo, Moreira JA, García-Río L. Differences in Cucurbit[7]uril: Surfactant Complexation Promoted by the Cationic Head Group. ChemPlusChem. 2013;78(9):1058 - 1064.
Rotini A, Belmonte A, Barrote I, et al. Effectiveness and consistency of a suite of descriptors for assessing the ecological status of seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica L. Delile). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 2013;130:252 - 259.