CCMAR Seminars: Skeletal anomalies in teleosts: the case of Senegalese sole | - CCMAR -

CCMAR Seminars: Skeletal anomalies in teleosts: the case of Senegalese sole

Quinta, 2 Novembro, 2017
Anf.B ( CP) - Gambelas Campus UAlg


2nd November 2017, at 1:30 pm | Amph. B (CP)


Skeletal anomalies in teleosts: the case of Senegalese sole

Ana Manuela de Azevedo Gomes

(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela Lugo, Spain)





Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) is a flatfish species of great interest in aquaculture. This work arises from the need to find solutions to prevent the high frequency of skeletal anomalies detected in this species, which constitutes a major limitation for its production. Investigation in this subject has related the development of skeletal anomalies with culture conditions and nutritional causes. In Senegalese sole farms, deformities are often diagnosed using macroscopic techniques when they already have repercussions on the morphology of the fish. In consequence, besides welfare and productive inconveniences there could be rejection by consumers of a downgraded product. The magnitude of the problem impelled to look for diagnostic tools to provide a detailed scan of the most common deformities at distinct farming phases in Senegalese sole. A comprehensive study of skeletal anomalies affecting the vertebral column was performed at different rearing stages and feeding regimes. Complementary diagnostic methodologies were integrated, from the macroscopic, stereoscopic, radiographic and histologic perspective. This work underlines the importance of an interdisciplinary approach to cope a multi-factorial issue in the aquaculture sector.


Short CV

Ana Manuela is graduated in Veterinary Medicine by the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain). After a one-year internship in the University Veterinary Hospital Rof Codina, she performed the Master’s and PhD studies at the Veterinary Pathology group (GAPAVET) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Lugo (Spain). She participated in several research projects in collaboration with public and private entities, mainly related with: vertebral anomalies, nutrition in aquaculture and histopathological diagnosis of animal diseases. In 2014, she performed an investigation stay for three months at the Universitá di Roma "Tor Vergata" (Italy), related with the multivariate analysis of skeletal anomalies. In May 2017 she defended her doctoral thesis entitled “Characterization of the vertebral anomalies in different phases of the production of Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis): stereoscopic, radiographic and histological approach”. Currently she performs a research visit at the BIOSKEL lab in the Centre of Marine Sciences of Algarve to deepen into the areas of ichthyopathology and molecular biology techniques.



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