ATT: Effective scientific writing
Effective scientific writing is a two-day programme designed to help young researchers write papers, PhD theses, conference abstracts and reports.
Effective scientific writing is a two-day programme designed to help young researchers write papers, PhD theses, conference abstracts and reports.
During the course, participants will learn how to:
· Write clear, concise, correct scientific English
· Edit documents effectively for clarity and consistency
· Plan their documents in order to present a convincing scientific argument
· Write clear, effective abstracts
· Give their papers the best chance of acceptance by a target journal
· Improve their awareness of the editorial and peer review process
The course will be highly interactive, and participants will have the opportunity to work on real-life examples of their own papers and abstracts. There will be plenty of time for questions, discussion and personal feedback.
09:00am - 06:00pm

Shirley Ellis
Room - Bar / Grande Auditório
3rd floor - CP (building 3)
Campus of Gambelas
Workshop attendance