3rd Edition of Summer Shoal 2019 on Fish Ethology & Welfare
The topic of welfare in aquaculture and fisheries is gaining momentum. More than ever, this is the time for academia and the industry to meet, dialogue and develop solutions for the welfare problems of fish. Because fish lives matter.
The third edition of the Summer Shoal will once more take place in its very special format: a circle of discussion on fish welfare, under the sky, by the sea. As stakeholder dialogue is one of our basic principles, this event is exclusive to 40 participants to allow all sitting in one big circle in the open air in order to stimulate the exchange of knowledge and ideas among scientists, professionals from industry and commerce, experts from animal welfare organisation and from relevant authorities. The participants will stay lodged in the resort and the concept is to have a "scientific retreat" dedicated to fish welfare.
Note: The programme will absorb two full days from morning to evening, including ample time for exchanging experiences in small rounds, and is therefore exclusive for participants who can make sure to arrive on September 10 at dinner time and to depart not before September 13 in the morning.
Invited speaker
Culum Brown
Associate Professor, Macquarie University, Australia
Fish cognition and the implications for welfare
Culum is one of the top international experts in cognition, intelligence and behaviour of fishes. For years he has studied the behavioural ecology of fishes with a special interest in learning and memory. Culum's academic path crossed through Melbourne University, University of Queensland and Cambridge University where he worked on social learning in a range of fishes. A further post-doc at the University of Edinburgh, expanded on his background in learning by examining the ecological correlates of cognition in Poeciliid fishes. This work was conducted in collaboration with the Smithsonian Research Institute in Panama.
In 2006 he moved to Macquarie University on an Australian Research Fellowship. Culum won a young researcher award from Australian Academy of Science in 2007 and Young Tall Poppy Award in 2008. He is now an Associate Professor at Macquarie Uni. Culum is Editor for the journal Animal Behaviour, Assistant Editor of the Journal of Fish Biology and the editor of a book entitled Fish Cognition and Behavior, published by Blackwell Scientific (2006, 2011). Apart from an exceptional scientific record, Culum is a brilliant speaker that will surely delight the audience with his insights into the minds of fish.
Day 1 - September 10
17.30: Bus transfer Airport - University Campus - Faro city centre - Pedras del Rei Resort
19.30 - 21.30: Welcome drink
Day 2 - September 11
9.30: Plenary session - Fish cognition and welfare implications- Prof. Culum Brown, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Aquaculture session 1 - research
10.30: Welfare in early life stages of fish: review and new considerations - Tatiana Colchen, U. Rennes, France
11.00: coffee break
11.15: Study of chemical communication and aggression in the Siamese fighting fish may give new insights to improve fish welfare - Melina Silva, CCMAR, Portugal
11.45: Proteomics and other "omics" in the context of farmed fish welfare biomarkers - Marco Cerqueira, CCMAR, Portugal
12.15: lunch
14.00: Keynote - What would complete fish welfare look like? - Prof. Becca Franks, NewYork University, USA
14.30: Environmental enrichment in fish farms: the science and the fiction - Pablo Arechavala-Lopez, IMEDEA, Spain; CCMAR, Portugal
Aquaculture session 2 - applications and policy
15.00: A Global Assessment of Welfare in Farmed Fishes: The FishEthoBase - João L. Saraiva, CCMAR, Portugal
15.30: coffee break
15:45: SMÅFISKVEL: How can we improve welfare in Atlantic salmon production? - Susanna Lybaek, Dyrevernalliansen, Norway
16:15: Experiencing near-natural reproduction of pike perch - Georg Herringer, Swifish, Switzerland
16.45: Are we ready to improve fish welfare? - Walter Sanchez-Suarez, Mercy for animals, USA
17.15: coffee break
17.30: beach time, ad libitum meetings
Day 3 - September 12
9.30: The CAREFISH project – welfare standards in worldwide aquaculture - Maria Filipa Castanheira, CCMAR, Portugal
10:00: On why and how integrating fish welfare to a sustainability certification standard - Fernanda Seles David, Friend of the Sea, Italy
10.30: Fish welfare indicators in ASC certification, Janneke Aelen, ASC, Netherlands
11.00: coffee break
11.15: Between fascination and fear - a psychological perspective on aquaculture of fish and its implications for welfare standards - Stefan Johnigk, Aquaculture Welfare Standards Intiative, Germany
Fisheries session
11.45: mproving welfare in wild fisheries, Phil Brooke, CIWF, UK
12.15: lunch
14:00: Fish Welfare in European Fisheries and Fishery Policy - Douglas Waley, Eurogroup for animals, Belgium
14:30: Should we aim for more? A look into fish welfare in EU fisheries - Gonçalo Carvalho, Sciaena, Portugal
15:00: Improving working conditions in African artisanal fisheries - Joelle Philippe, CFFA, France
15:30: coffee break
15:45: Welfare of fish and fishermen in fisheriesBillo Heinzpeter StuderFair-fish international, Switzerland
16:15: Roundtable 1 - Welfare in fisheries: how? When?
17:15: coffee break
17:30: Roundtable 2 – Welfare in aquaculture: global implementation challenges
Draft proposal of " Summer Shoal consensus on the ethical use of aquatical animals"
Day 4 - September 13
9.30: departure; possibility of transfer to airport
Abstract submission is now closed! Registrations to attend are still open.
Registration includes:
- Lodging 3 nights in Pedras del Rei resort in single or double studio
- Full board (except dinner on the 11th, and except all beverage)
- Welcome drink
ATTENTION: regular lodging options are sold out. New registrations are dependent on availability by the resort.
Register Here: https://www.ccmar.ualg.pt/webform/iii-summer-shoal-fish-ethology-and-welfare