Using electronic tagging in the understanding of cryptic individual variability | - CCMAR -

Using electronic tagging in the understanding of cryptic individual variability

Quarta, 15 Janeiro, 2020
Room 2.31a I Building 7 I Gambelas Campus


Electronic tagging has allowed researchers to both follow the movement patterns of individual fish as well as collect auxiliary information to estimate a fish’s physiological processes. Here two example studies highlight the importance of using electronic tagging in:

1) understanding the migratory variability of two iconic fish species in Southern Angola and

2) how accelerometery tags can be used to assess the physiological variability of individual wild resident sparid fish in South Africa.


About our speaker:

Alex Winkler is a PhD Rhodes University, IUCN Snapper Seabream, and Grunt specialist group member, One Ocean Hub Co-Investigator.



This seminar was kindly sponsored by

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