Inspector – A.I. to support the processing of scientific documents | - CCMAR -

Inspector – A.I. to support the processing of scientific documents

Quarta, 21 Outubro, 2020
Online Zoom | Anfiteatro A, CP

Inspector allows the user to load a document and select which configurations of rules to apply; these rules are part of Inspector's system intelligence, allowing the user to select the applicable rule set for validation, correction, and transformation of files. Given the order to execute, the application analyses the selected file. It then shows the results in a structured form and gives the possibility to apply the corrections automatically to the new file generated.

The seminar will be held on October 21, 2020 at 13:30 | online via Zoom platform or you can participate in the event at the Amphitheater A, Complexo Pedagógico. Use of mask is required. Limited seats. Participants must keep 1,5 m of social distance. 

Participation is free, but mandatory to register.  REGISTER HERE!


About our speakers:

João Campos (João Viana Gonçalinho, Unipessoal Lda) has 5 years of experience in software development for multiples industries. 
Ricardo Martins (João Viana Gonçalinho, Unipessoal Lda) has 4 years of experience in product development for international markets.


This seminar was kindly sponsored by

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