Perspective from a funding officer: taking stock & prospects for the future | - CCMAR -

Perspective from a funding officer: taking stock & prospects for the future

Quinta, 5 Novembro, 2020
Online | Videoconference room 0.10 | Building 1

I will share with you some of the lessons I have learned during these three years with you and that could be useful to you (clarification of some concepts like OA (Open Access), career, science, budget...). In a second part, I would like to update you on forthcoming calls and policy (Horizon Europe in particular) to leave you aware and well-armed.

The event will be held on 5th of November 2020 at 10:30 - 12:30, online or you can participate in the event at the Videoconference room 0.10 in building 1.
Use of mask is required. Limited seats to 5 persons. Participants must keep 1,5 m of social distance.
Participation is free, but mandatory to register.



Tipo de Evento 