Ecocean - Ecological restoration in aquatic ecosystems | - CCMAR -

Ecocean - Ecological restoration in aquatic ecosystems

Terça, 28 Fevereiro, 2023
Anfiteatro B l Complexo Pedagógico l Campus das Gambelas

An innovative French company based in Montpellier for 20 years, Ecocean is dedicated to aquatic ecological restoration.
Working on projects with scientists from various countries has led to various efficient and scientifically validated nature-based solutions and their implementation worldwide. One is called Biohut®, an artificial habitat which replicates the ecological functions of shallow water nurseries on coasts damaged by human activities.
A particular focus on the new ecological restoration project in Marina de Lagos will be held.


The seminar will be held on February 28, at 14:00, at the Anfiteatro B l Complexo Pedagógico l University of Algarve.
Participation is free but mandatory to register.



About our speaker:
Eric Bourguignon is Ecocean's representative in Spain and Portugal.



This seminar was kindly sponsored by

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