Marcos Fontela (1987). BSc Oceanography at University of Vigo (2005-2010) and BSc Biology at University of Santiago de Compostela (2010-2012). MSc Microbiology at University Complutense of Madrid (2013-2014). PhD Oceanography (“Transport and Budget of carbon, nutrients and oxygen in the North Atlantic”, 2015-2018) at the CO2 group of the Institute of Marine Research - IIM-CSIC, Vigo. Since December 2019, Junior Researcher at Oceanography and Climate Change Group of Centro de Ciências do Mar (CCMAR, Faro, Portugal).
Stay researches in the Laboratoire d'Océanographie Physique et Spatiale Ifremer Centre Brest (France, 5 months) and the University of Salamanca (3 months). Extensive sea-going experience as an oceanographer: 6 oceanographic cruises with around 200 days at sea. Since 2016, total number of publications is 17, they have been cited 68 times (+12 cites/year), h-index: 3. All the indexed scientific publications as first author are in first quartile journals (Q1: 5/5), with a 5-year impact factor of: Scientific Reports (4.609), Progress in Oceanography (3.760), Global and Planetary Change (4.442) and Frontiers in Marine Science (3.896). Second author of a Nature paper (5-year IF: 44.958). Actual research lines as a postdoctoral researcher are the carbon system (ocean acidification, CO2 uptake), the biogeochemical cycles and the anthropogenic impact in marine ecosystems in the framework of climate change. More info about publications and scientific activity at, and