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Alexandre A, Silva J, Bouma TJ, Santos R. Inorganic nitrogen uptake kinetics and whole-plant nitrogen budget in the seagrass Zostera noltii. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2011;401(1-2):7 - 12.
Fernández I, Gisbert E. The effect of vitamin A on flatfish development and skeletogenesis: A review. Aquaculture. 2011;315(1-2):34 - 48.
Mouffouk F, da Costa AMRosa, Martins J, Zourob M, Abu-Salah KMustafa, Alrokayan SA. Development of a highly sensitive bacteria detection assay using fluorescent pH-responsive polymeric micelles. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2011;26(8):3517 - 3523.
Forrest LL, Wickett N, Cox CJ, Goffinet B. Deep sequencing of Ptilidium (Ptilidiaceae) suggests evolutionary stasis in liverwort plastid genome structure. Plant Ecology and Evolution. 2011;144(1):1 - 15.
Lopez y Royo C, Pergent G, Alcoverro T, et al. The seagrass Posidonia oceanica as indicator of coastal water quality: Experimental intercalibration of classification systems. Ecological Indicators. 2011;11(2):557 - 563.
Gisbert E, Fernández I, Alvarez-González CA. Prolonged feed deprivation does not permanently compromise digestive function in migrating European glass eels Anguilla anguilla. Journal of Fish Biology. 2011;78(2):580 - 592.
Moreira LL, Dias T, Dias LG, Rogão M, da Silva JPaulo, Estevinho LM. Propolis influence on erythrocyte membrane disorder (hereditary spherocytosis): A first approach. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2011;49(2):520 - 526.
Treviño L, Alvarez-González CA, Perales-García N, et al. A histological study of the organogenesis of the digestive system in bay snook Petenia splendida Günther, 1862 from hatching to the juvenile stage. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 2011;27(1):73 - 82.
Brandefelt J, Kjellström E, Näslund J-O, Strandberg G, Voelker AHL, Wohlfarth B. A coupled climate model simulation of Marine Isotope Stage 3 stadial climate. Climate of the Past. 2011;7(2):649 - 670.
Carvalho CParente, Uzunova VD, da Silva JPaulo, Nau WM, Pischel U. A photoinduced pH jump applied to drug release from cucurbit[7]uril. Chemical Communications. 2011;47(31):8793.
Fernández I, Darias M, Andree KB, Mazurais D, Zambonino-Infante J, Gisbert E. Coordinated gene expression during gilthead sea bream skeletogenesis and its disruption by nutritional hypervitaminosis A. BMC Developmental Biology. 2011;11(1):7.
Galego LR, da Silva JPaulo, Almeida VR, Bronze MR, Boas LV. Preparation of novel distinct highly aromatic liquors using fruit distillates. International Journal of Food Science & Technology. 2011;46(1):67 - 73.
Pemberton BC, Singh RK, Johnson AC, et al. Supramolecular photocatalysis: insights into cucurbit[8]uril catalyzed photodimerization of 6-methylcoumarin. Chemical Communications. 2011;47(22):6323.
Range P, Chícharo A, Ben-Hamadou R, et al. Calcification, growth and mortality of juvenile clams Ruditapes decussatus under increased pCO2 and reduced pH: Variable responses to ocean acidification at local scales?. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2011;396(2):177 - 184.
Rodrigues T, Voelker AHL, Grimalt JO, Abrantes F, Naughton F. Iberian Margin sea surface temperature during MIS 15 to 9 (580–300 ka): Glacial suborbital variability versus interglacial stability. Paleoceanography. 2011;26(1).
Saraiva JL, Gonçalves DM, Simões MG, Oliveira RF. Plasticity in reproductive behaviour in two populations of the peacock blenny. Behaviour. 2011;148(14):1457 - 1472.