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Ribeiro C, Neves P. Habitat mapping of Cabo Girão Marine Park (Madeira island): a tool for conservation and management. Journal of Coastal Conservation. 2020;24(2).
Secrieru A, Costa ICC, O'Neill PM, Cristiano MLS. Antimalarial Agents as Therapeutic Tools Against Toxoplasmosis—A Short Bridge between Two Distant Illnesses. Molecules. 2020;25(7):1574.
Trovão M, Pereira H, Costa M, et al. Lab-Scale Optimization of Aurantiochytrium sp. Culture Medium for Improved Growth and DHA Production. Applied Sciences. 2020;10(7):2500.
Cerqueira M, Millot S, Felix A, et al. Cognitive appraisal in fish: stressor predictability modulates the physiological and neurobehavioural stress response in sea bass. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2020;287(1923):20192922.
Bajo P, Drysdale RN, Woodhead JD, et al. Persistent influence of obliquity on ice age terminations since the Middle Pleistocene transition. Science. 2020;367(6483):1235 - 1239.
Cabral S, Carvalho F, Gaspar M, et al. Non-indigenous species in soft-sediments: Are some estuaries more invaded than others?. Ecological Indicators. 2020;110:105640.
Cunha P, Pereira H, Costa M, et al. Nannochloropsis oceanica Cultivation in Pilot-Scale Raceway Ponds—From Design to Cultivation. Applied Sciences. 2020;10(5):1725.
Fatsini E, González W, Ibarra-Zatarain Z, Napuchi J, Duncan NJ. The presence of wild Senegalese sole breeders improves courtship and reproductive success in cultured conspecifics. Aquaculture. 2020;519:734922.
Gauzens B, Rall BC, Mendonça V, Vinagre C, Brose U. Biodiversity of intertidal food webs in response to warming across latitudes. Nature Climate Change. 2020;10(3):264 - 269.
Machado A, Pereira H, Costa M, et al. Development of an Organic Culture Medium for Autotrophic Production of Chlorella vulgaris Biomass. Applied Sciences. 2020;10(6):2156.
Milla-Figueras D, Schmiing M, Amorim P, Costa BHorta e, Afonso P, Tempera F. Evaluating seabed habitat representativeness across a diverse set of marine protected areas on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Biodiversity and Conservation. 2020;29(4):1153 - 1175.
Soliño L, Costa PReis. Global impact of ciguatoxins and ciguatera fish poisoning on fish, fisheries and consumers. Environmental Research. 2020;182:109111.
Barany A, Shaughnessy CA, Fuentes J, Mancera JM, McCormick SD. Osmoregulatory role of the intestine in the sea lamprey ( Petromyzon marinus ). American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2020;318(2):R410 - R417.
Cabral LIL, Pomel S, Cojean S, Amado PSM, Loiseau PM, Cristiano MLS. Synthesis and Antileishmanial Activity of 1,2,4,5-Tetraoxanes against Leishmania donovani. Molecules. 2020;25(3):465.