5th Fish Welfare Summer Shoal | - CCMAR -

5th Fish Welfare Summer Shoal

Terça, 12 Setembro, 2023 a Sexta, 15 Setembro, 2023
Ria Formosa

The summer shoal 2023

Two full days of oral presentations by keynote speakers - outdoors near the beach, followed by animated discussions among the participants seated in a circle under the trees. Having a small group of participants will foster dialogue and networking. There will be no laser pointers, no projections - but many opportunities to further discuss fish welfare issues. A unique exchange among experts with different backgrounds and interests: scientists, consumers, representatives of NGOs, retail, policy, certification, and industry.

The 2023 edition will once again take place in the Algarve in southern Portugal, in the lovely small resort of Pedras d’el Rei at the Atlantic coast. Further information on the location you can find here.

To know more about the Summer Shoal, the talks and its fantastic atmosphere, please have a look back into past editions:


Note: The programme will absorb two full days from morning to evening, including ample time for exchanging ideas in an informal and creative environment. Therefore, participants are requested to ensure arrival on the evening of September 12 and to depart on September 15 in the morning.



Event Program

To know more about the Summer Shoal and the key note speakers, please see the detailed programme.

Important dates:
June 30 - deadline for registrations


Standard single all incl. : 650€

Registration fee includes:

  • Access to scientific sessions and discussions
  • Lodging 3 nights at Pedras del Rei
  • Welcome drink 12/9
  • Breakfast 13/9, 14/9, 15/9
  • Lunch 13/9, 14/9 
  • Event Dinner 14/9



Further info/enquiries: mail@fair-fish.net

Tipo de Evento 
Evento Científico