Animals, diseases, diets and indigenous peoples: lessons for medicine and conservation | - CCMAR -

Animals, diseases, diets and indigenous peoples: lessons for medicine and conservation

Sexta, 14 Abril, 2023
Anfiteatro B l Complexo Pedagógico l University of Algarve and online via zoom

Links between animal behaviour and diseases, diets and indigenous peoples' knowledge, and lessons for medicine, conservation, and society as a whole.


The seminar will be held on April 14, at 15:30, at the Anfiteatro B l Complexo Pedagógico l University of Algarve and online via zoom.
Participation is free but mandatory to register.



About our speaker:
Rui Diogo is a multi-awarded researcher, speaker and writer renowned worldwide for addressing broader scientific questions and societal issues.


This seminar was kindly sponsored by

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