Carbon fluxes in seagrass meadows: effects of blooming macroalgae | - CCMAR -

Carbon fluxes in seagrass meadows: effects of blooming macroalgae

Quarta, 22 Junho, 2022
Online | Zoom platform

Carbon dioxide and methane are both potent greenhouse gasses, and knowing their emission patterns from natural areas is essential. In a mesocosm experiment, carbon emission from bare sediment is compared to that of healthy seagrass (Zostera noltii) meadows, as well as seagrass meadows with added decomposing macroalgae (Ulva lactusa). The treatment with added macroalgae simulates a disturbed seagrass meadow due to human interference such as excessive feralization.


The seminar will be held on June 22, at 13:30, online via zoom. 
Participation is free but mandatory to register.


About our speaker:
Oswin van der Scheer is an aquatic ecology master's student from Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. He is doing an internship and writing his thesis at CCMAR.


This seminar was kindly sponsored by

Tipo de Evento 
Carbon dioxide
Blue Carbon
climate change