Heterotrophic bacteria-mediated transformation of organic carbon cycle in marine environments | - CCMAR -

Heterotrophic bacteria-mediated transformation of organic carbon cycle in marine environments

Terça, 18 Abril, 2023
Anfiteatro B l Complexo Pedagógico l University of Algarve

Heterotrophic bacteria play a crucial role in regulating the carbon cycle in oceans, where the inventory of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is approximately equal to the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) pool. The uptake of DOM by bacteria is a major carbon-flow pathway. DOM-microbe interactions mediate the flux of carbon through the microbial loop in oceans, the inventory of refractory dissolved organic matter in the deep ocean, and the concentration and fate of atmospheric CO2. DOM is a complex mixture of molecules with different reactivity, and heterotrophic bacteria are diverse in terms of community composition and metabolic potential in oceans. It remains unclear how DOM and bacterial metabolism interact in marine environments.

In this talk, I will present the findings from field studies on links of DOM, bacterial carbon metabolism and bacterial community composition, and how predators (protist and virus) mediate flux of carbon in the microbial loop in three representative ecosystems (e.g. a eutrophic estuary, the frontal zone in coastal waters and eddies in the oligotrophic ocean). My work emphasizes the importance of oceanographic processes in regulating the bacteria-mediated carbon cycle in marine environments. 


The seminar will be held on April 18, at 13:30, at the Anfiteatro B l Complexo Pedagógico l University of Algarve.
Participation is free but mandatory to register.




About our speaker:
Dr. Jie Xu is an associate professor and Head of the Department of Ocean Science and Technology, at UM. His research interest is focused on plankton ecology.



This seminar was kindly sponsored by

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