Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology (IAFSB) 2018 | - CCMAR -

Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology (IAFSB) 2018

Segunda, 16 Abril, 2018 a Quinta, 19 Abril, 2018

The fifth conference “Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fish Skeletal Biology”  takes place in Tavira, Portugal, April 16-19, 2018.




Registration and Abstract Submission
Pre-registration and abstract submission is already possible. For example, a funding application requires a confirmation that your abstract has been submitted and accepted by IAFSB.  Please use the template (Abstract IAFSB) and send your abstract as attachment to:
Full registration and abstract submission are open.

To book your accommodation at the Vila Galé Albacora hotel, please send the required information when filing the registration form. In alternative, you may use the link ACCOMMODATION provided above.

M. Leonor Cancela, Matthew P. Harris and P. Eckhard Witten

Scientific Committee
Brian K. Hall, Per Gunnar Fjelldal, Marc Muller, Ann Huysseune, Santosh P. Lall, Stefan Schulte-Merker, Jean-Yves Sire, Christoph Winkler, Clara Boglione, Gert Flik,

Organizing Committee
Vincent Laizé, Paulo Gavaia, Natércia Conceição, Ignacio Fernández, Evi Desender, Joana Teixeira Rosa

Great Science at a Beautiful Location
IAFSB conferences promote the dialogue between experts from different disciplines that have a common interest in fish skeletal research and comparative skeletal biology. Participants come from disciplines such as Evolution and Development, Developmental Genomics and Proteomics, Biomedical Sciences and Regenerative Medicine, Ichthyology and Systematics, Functional Anatomy and Biomechanics, Aquaculture and Nutrition, and others. Key Note Speaker 2018: Gloria Arratia (University of Kansas)

The time of the conference is perhaps the best time of the year to visit Portugal. The tourist season has not started. Temperatures are pleasant but still moderate, nature is green and flowering. The conference hotel (Albacora Hotelis located at the coast, inside a nature reserve, ideal for birdwatching. Tavira is a beautiful old harbour town, with many historic buildings and restaurants.

The emphasis of the conference is to facilitate discussions, to exchange ideas and concepts. The location of the conference is ideal for this purpose. A historic fishing village turned into a hotel where we can accommodate about 100 participants. There will be 40 slots for oral presentations. Each presenter has 25 minutes, but  talks are not longer than 15 minutes to leave a minimum of 10 minutes for discussion. There will be no parallel sessions. Two evenings of the conference will be devoted to poster presentations. As for the previous conferences, proceedings, equally open to poster and oral contributions, will be published one year after the conference in the Journal of Applied Ichthyology (see below).










Type of Registration Fee
Your ID Registration:

Tipo de Evento 
Outros Eventos