MSc Thesis Presentations | - CCMAR -

MSc Thesis Presentations

Terça, 16 Novembro, 2021 a Sexta, 19 Novembro, 2021
Online | Zoom platform

16 November 2021
16:30 - Margarida de Sousa Leal
Thesis: Sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis): Photo identification and habitat preferences of a migrant ocean traveller in São Miguel, Azores
Jury: Rita Castilho - UAlg/CCMAR, Vânia Baptista - CCMAR, Laura González - Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/University of the Azores, Marc Fernández - MARE-Madeira l Supervisors: Vânia Baptista - CCMAR, Laura González - Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/University of the Azores


17 November 2021
12:00 - Andreia Filipa Figueiredo Pereira 
Thesis: Analysis of the social structure of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in São Miguel Island, Azores
Jury: Catarina Vinagre - UAlg/CCMAR, Laura González - Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/University of the Azores, Ana Margarida Dinis - MARE- Madeira/ARDITI l Supervisors: Rita Castilho - UAlg/CCMAR, Laura González - Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/University of the Azores


18 November 2021
10:30 - Angela Herrero Fernández
Thesis: Blue Carbon and Nitrogen sequestration of restored Zostera marina meadows in the Arrábida Natural Park
Jury: Catarina Vinagre - UAlg/CCMAR, Rui Santos - UAlg/CCMAR, Carmen Santos - UAlg/CCMAR, Ana Sousa - Universidade de Aveiro/CESAM l Supervisors: Rui Santos - UAlg/CCMAR, Carmen Santos - UAlg/CCMAR

15:30 - Gerard Subiron Moreso
Thesis: Understanding cetacean presence in Pico island, Azores
Jury: Catarina Vinagre - UAlg/CCMAR, Rita Castilho - UAlg/CCMAR, Inês Carvalho - IGC l Supervisor: Rita Castilho - UAlg/CCMAR


19 November 2021
15:30 - Saray Pérez de la Rosa
Thesis: Ecosystem services of saltpans: ornithological biodiversity support and carbon sequestration
Jury: Catarina Vinagre - UAlg/CCMAR, Rui Santos - UAlg/CCMAR, Carmen Santos - UAlg/CCMAR, Ana Alexandre - CCMAR l Supervisors: Rui Santos - UAlg/CCMAR, Carmen Santos - UAlg/CCMAR

17:00 - Filipa Santos Medinas Realinho Silva
Thesis: Food choices of the Yellow-Legged gull population of Barreta Island, on anthropogenic food sources from fishing ports, fishing vessels and landfills
Jury: Catarina Vinagre - UAlg/CCMAR, Ester Serrão - UAlg/CCMAR, Filipe Ceia - MARE/Universidade de Coimbra l Supervisor: Ester Serrão - UAlg/CCMAR

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