A review of Chinese Tuna longline fisheries research | - CCMAR -

A review of Chinese Tuna longline fisheries research

Quinta, 25 Maio, 2017
Anf. 1.8 (bdg 8) - Gambelas Campus UAlg


25th MAY | 13:30

A Review of Chinese Tuna Longline Fisheries Research

Liming Song
(College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University)





The tuna longline fisheries research status of mainland China was reviewed in this presentation. Main tasks of the tuna fishery technical working group, main study areas, study fields, some results and conclusions were introduced. The main study fields included: (1) biology of tunas, swordfish, blue shark in three oceans; (2) the environmental preferences of tunas, swordfish, sharks and pelagic stingray; (3) the relationships between the thermocline and the catch rate; (4) longline fishing gear selectivity and mechanics performance of hook; (5) modeling the hook depth; (6) integrated habitat index of tunas and blue shark by quantile regression; (6) CPUE standardization; (7) stock assessment; (8) numerical model of the pelagic longline and sea-trial verification; and (9) analysis by GIS. This presentation suggests the following studies should be conducted in the near future: (1) longline fishing gear selectivity and catchability; (2) develop the CPUE standardization method inputting the fishing gear parameters and the environmental variables; (3)  environmental preference of the pelagic fish; (4) dynamic simulation of longline; (5) artificial bait development; (6) mitigating the depredation by toothed whale on tuna longline; (7) prediction of the fishing condition; (8) ecology—food web.


Short CV

Mr. Song has been a Professor at the College of Marine Sciences, Shanghai Ocean University since Sep. 2005. He worked as a visiting scholar in Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (IATTC) from Nov. 2007 to Mar. 2008. He is the member of the Tuna Fisheries Technology Group, China Overseas Fisheries Association (COFA), and the head scientist of China in the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). His main research field includes the design of high efficiency and eco-friendly longline fishing gear, habitat utilization of tunas, and fisheries biology of tunas.
He has published more than 50 papers on the core journals at home and abroad, and two monographs, and was the editor for seven text books. Since 1999, he, on behalf of China, has attended and presented over 40 papers on the conferences of the regional tuna fisheries management organizations. Also, he is the winner for 14 national and municipal awards and has been in charge of over 20 national research programs.



Atendance Certificate

MAY SEMINARS (programme download)


Tipo de Evento 
ccmar seminars