Seminário - Animal personality: how and why individuals matter | - CCMAR -

Seminário - Animal personality: how and why individuals matter

Quarta, 30 Janeiro, 2019
Room 2.31 I Building 7 I Gambelas Campus

The study of animal personality has started about 20 years ago and is now at the frontiers of behavioural biology. It harbours many unsolved questions especially about its evolutionary maintenance and significance. I will update the state of the art and will present recent data on personality in fish, cephalopods and crustaceans. I will enlist the next relevant questions and challenges providing hypotheses and novel approaches. Finally, I will illustrate applied perspectives of the study of animal personality on welfare of marine animals.



Wednesday I 30 January I 13:30



Room 2.31 I Building 7 I Gambelas Campus


About our speaker:

PhD University of Groningen, on bird personality. Postdoc in avian neuroendocrinology at the University of Lièg. Postdoc in Rome on collective behaviour. Researcher at University of Paris 13. Lecturer in physiology and ethology at University of Tuscia. About 70 scientific publications.


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