SIBIC 2018 | - CCMAR -

SIBIC 2018

Terça, 12 Junho, 2018 a Sábado, 16 Junho, 2018
Campus da Penha - UAlg

The Centre for Marine Sciences (CCMAR) and the University of Algarve have the pleasure to invite you to SIBIC2018, the VII Congress of the Iberian Society for Ichthyology, which will take place in Faro, Portugal, from the 12th to the 16th of June, 2018.





We are planning on a comprehensible conference which encompasses all aspects of fish biology and habitat or resource management, from riverine environments to the open waters of the planet’s oceans. This consolidates SIBIC’s will to uphold the ecological relevance of fish and promote the transfer of multidisciplinary knowledge across freshwater and marine realms.

Despite its geographical denomination, SIBIC reaches outside Iberia. Spain and Portugal extend from the Mediterranean to the mid of the Atlantic. Oceans are global and riverine issues can be translated almost everywhere. Therefore, we extend this invitation to all which would like to attend or present their research regardless of geographical location.

We especially welcome students and early career scientists. SIBIC and the organizing committee will provide limited support, which can range from subsidy or travel grants to waiving of registration fees. Please keep a look for the application rules and further registration details in the SIBIC2018 webpage or SIBIC.

The conference will span for 3 full days with opportunities for satellite symposia and workshops in parallel or after the regular sessions. We welcome proposals for thematic sessions or for the organization of sessions considered of general interest, as well as to convene workgroup or network meetings. The organizing committee will try to accommodate these suggestions as much as possible.

SIBIC2018 will take place at University of Algarve which offers excellent conditions for meetings, and not far from the city center. Faro is small but lively and cosmopolitan town in southern Portugal, with a rich history, easily reached by plane, train, bus or car. Faro offers accommodation options for all budgets, and many restaurants, bistros or food and wine bars can provide the best examples of Portuguese cuisine. Faro is in the center of one of the most important wetland and costal lagoons in Iberia, Ria Formosa, a hotspot for biodiversity which serves as a nursery for many fish species, offering opportunities for bird watching, nature walking, swimming, surfing, etc.

We hope that the scientific program, the networking opportunities and the venue amenities are appealing and we look forward to see you. Come and shoal with us in 2018!!







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