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Filtros: Palavra-chave is Transcription Factors  [Clear All Filters]
Marques CL, M. Cancela L, Laizé V. Transcriptional regulation of gilthead seabream bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) 2 gene by bone- and cartilage-related transcription factors. Gene. 2016;576(1 Pt 2):229-236. doi:10.1016/j.gene.2015.10.005
Silva IAL, Conceição N. Cloning, characterization and analysis of the 5' regulatory region of zebrafish xpd gene. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 2015;185:47-53. doi:10.1016/j.cbpb.2015.04.003
Pinto JP, Kalathur RK, Oliveira DV, et al. StemChecker: a web-based tool to discover and explore stemness signatures in gene sets. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015;43(W1):W72-7. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv529
Rafael MS, Laizé V, Florindo C, Ferraresso S, Bargelloni L, M. Cancela L. Overexpression of four and a half LIM domains protein 2 promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition-like phenotype in fish pre-osteoblasts. Biochimie. 2012;94(5):1128-34. doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2012.01.013
Carney RSE, Alfonso TB, Cohen D, et al. Cell migration along the lateral cortical stream to the developing basal telencephalic limbic system. J Neurosci. 2006;26(45):11562-74. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3092-06.2006
Pinto JP, Conceição NM, Viegas CSB, et al. Identification of a new pebp2alphaA2 isoform from zebrafish runx2 capable of inducing osteocalcin gene expression in vitro. J Bone Miner Res. 2005;20(8):1440-53. doi:10.1359/JBMR.050318
Elworthy S, Pinto JP, Pettifer A, M. Cancela L, Kelsh RN. Phox2b function in the enteric nervous system is conserved in zebrafish and is sox10-dependent. Mech Dev. 2005;122(5):659-69. doi:10.1016/j.mod.2004.12.008
Kirfel J, Kelter M, M. Cancela L, Price PA, Schüle R. Identification of a novel negative retinoic acid responsive element in the promoter of the human matrix Gla protein gene. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1997;94(6):2227-32.