Exploring the depths: a dive into the evolution of scleractinian corals | - CCMAR -

Exploring the depths: a dive into the evolution of scleractinian corals

Wednesday, December 13, 2023
University of Algarve, Gambelas Campus - Complexo Pedagógico, Anfiteatro D

Scleractinian corals are distributed worldwide from the ocean surface to more than 6,000 m depth. They give rise to the well-known tropical coral reefs, but also to highly diverse deep reefs. Here, I will talk about their current distribution patterns, and how they have colonized different depths through millions of years of evolutionary history. I will focus on their most conspicuous adaptations, symbiosis and coloniality, and their role in this process.

The seminar will be held on December 13, at 13:30, at the University of Algarve, Gambelas Campus - Complexo Pedagógico, Anfiteatro D, and also online, via Zoom.

Participation is free but mandatory to register.




About our speaker:

Ana studied Biology in Spain, then did her master's degree in Marine Biology in Faro and finally did her PhD in Chile. Now, Ana is back in Faro as a Postdoc.


This seminar was kindly sponsored by

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