The GreenVet project: unravelling the use of salt tolerant species in veterinary | - CCMAR -

The GreenVet project: unravelling the use of salt tolerant species in veterinary

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Sala 2.31 I Edifício 7 I Campus Gambelas

GreenVet explores for the first time the potential use of selected salt tolerant plants in veterinary parasitology aiming to control infections with gastrointestinal nematodes in small ruminants, and also to improve animal health and meat quality. GreenVet involves Portugal (CCMAR/FMV) and France (INRA), and focuses on species with ethnoveterinary uses, abundant in the EU, with high tannin content and promising bioactivities, used as animal fodder/feed and high palatable to small ruminants.


About our speaker:

Luísa has a PhD in Biotechnology, is a principal researcher in CCMAR and works on the biotechnological exploitation of marine organisms and halophytes



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