Liquid biopsies for lung cancer detection using blood-platelets
Liquid biopsy assays have the potential to provide minimally-invasive, real-time, and repeatable tests. The ELBA consortium is a multidisciplinary group focusing on the development of liquid biopsies and their implementation into the clinic. Particularly, our aim at the Amsterdam UMC is to use blood-platelets mRNA sequencing and bioinformatics approaches, to support clinicians with a new minimally invasive approach for lung cancer detection and management.
The seminar will be held on November 24, at 13:30, online via Zoom platform.
Participation is free, but mandatory to register. REGISTER HERE!
About our speaker:
Mafalda Antunes Ferreira is a biologist currently doing a PhD at the Amsterdam UMC, within the European Liquid Biopsies Academy (ELBA) ITN project.
This seminar was kindly sponsored by