Microplastics ingestion in marine organisms - looking for the invisible | - CCMAR -

Microplastics ingestion in marine organisms - looking for the invisible

Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Online | Zoom platform

In this seminar, Felicitas ten Brink will give an overview of her PhD, focussing on potential microplastic ingestion by marine benthic animals. She will also discuss some of the current open questions in microplastic research and the methodolgies used.


The seminar will be held on July 14, at 13:30, online via Zoom platform.
Participation is free, but mandatory to register. REGISTER HERE!


About our speaker:

Felicitas ten Brink is a second year PhD student at the University of Hull, United Kingdom. She has a special interest in marine benthic ecology.



This seminar was kindly sponsored by


You can see the complete seminar here: 


Type of Event 