CCMAR/BI/0001/2020 | - CCMAR -



Research Fellowship Advertisement – 1 vacancy

Within the project - Size Matters

Ref. ª: CCMAR/BI/0001/2020

The Centre for Marine Sciences (CCMAR) in the Algarve, Portugal, opens a position for a Research fellowship (Bolsa de Investigação ) within the research project: Size Matters - looking for invisible plastics, Reference FA_05_2017_024 funded by Fundo Azul under the following conditions:

Tasks to perform:
Evaluation of pyrolysis efficiency of selected micro/nanoplastic standards as function of the temperature. Implementation of GC-MS analytical methods for determination of common volatile compounds released after pyrolysis of micro/nanoplastic materials. Determination by GC-MS of the main volatile compounds release after pyrolysis of different micro/nanoplastic materials at different temperatures. Evaluation by LC-MS of the nonvolatile fraction resulting from pyrolysis of micro/nanoplastic materials at different temperatures. Comparison of obtained profiles for different micro/nanoplastics. Tests using natural samples.

Scientific orientation:
Dr. José Paulo da Silva, Researcher at CCMAR.

Work place:
The workplace is CCMAR (Gambelas Campus of the Algarve University, Faro, Portugal).

1.    Master Degree in Pharmacy, Chemistry, Biochemistry or related field.
2.    To be enrolled in a non-degree course in a Higher Education Institution. 

Non-compliance with any of these requirements at the time of application invalidates the application. Provision of false documentation will be punished by law.

Evaluation criteria: 
1.    MSc. final score (25%)
2.    Laboratory experience in sample preparation and common physico-chemical analysis (60%)
3.    Experience using gas chromatography techniques (10 %)
4.    Articles in scientific international journals with peer review in the field of analytic chemistry and /or mass spectrometry (5%)

The selection jury reserves the right to contact or interview applicants should they require further information or clarification about their application.

In the event that no applicant has the necessary profile the jury reserves the right to close the call without any recruitment. If the applicant ranked first does not accept the position, or during the fellowship, in the event that the fellowship holder should resign, the jury reserves the right, upon convenience and opportunity, to assign the fellowship to the next applicant in accordance with the ranking position of the selection jury.

Grant conditions: The grant will have an initial duration of 06 months, eventually renewable up to a maximum of 12 months, starting in March 2020. The fellowship must be undertaken exclusively (full time) according to the Portuguese law 40/2004, of 18 of August (Scientific Research Fellowship holder statutes) amended by the  Decree-Law 123/2019 of 28 of August, Fellowship Regulation of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology in force and the rules of CCMAR research grants, the latter provided that it does not conflict with the law in force.

Monthly maintenance allowance: A maintenance allowance of 1064,00€/net (tax free) will be paid each month through inter-bank transfer in accordance with the grant amounts set by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology

Application period: from 21st of February to March 9th 2020. 

Application submission process: Only applications submitted through the CCMAR website will be considered: Applications are considered to be correctly submitted only after the candidate has received a confirmation e-mail from CCMAR. Applications (in English) should include a Motivation Letter (in English), a detailed Curriculum Vitae, copy of the candidates MSc. certificate and copy of the registration or enrolment in a non-degree course in a Higher Education Institution and the email contacts of up to 3 referees.

Results and Preliminary Hearing: The judgement of the selection committee will be communicated in writing (by email) within 90 working days after the application deadline. After notification, candidates have 10 working days to contest the preliminary decision sending an email to the selection committee.

Candidates holding degrees awarded by a foreign university should have their degree recognized in Portugal no later than 10 days after receiving the communication of selection for a position. Non-compliance justifies exclusion from the procedure. Information about the recognition procedures can be obtained at any Portuguese university or here. The board of directors reserves the right, upon request from the candidate, to extend the compliance period provided it does not impact negatively in the programmed activities.

Selection Committee: Dr. José Paulo da Silva, researcher at CCMAR (President of the jury); Professor Alexandra Teodósio, Professor at the Algarve University and researcher at CCMAR (Member) and Professor Ludovina Galego, Professor at the Algarve University (Member). 

Disabled candidates shall be preferred in a situation of equal classification, and said preference supersedes any legal preferences. Candidates must declare, on their honour, their respective disability degree, type of disability and communication / expression means to be used during selection period on their application form, under the regulations above.

CCMAR’s non-discrimination and equal access opportunities policy – No candidate can be privileged, benefited, jeopardised or be deprived of any right or exempt of any claim in regards to descendent, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, economic situation, origin, social economy, genetic heritage, disability, chronic disease, nationality, ethnicity, territory of origin, language, religion, politics, ideology or union membership.  

Faro, February the 3th  2020 

Research Assistant
21/02/2020 to 09/03/2020