CCMAR/IA/02/2024 - Researcher (M/F) | Bioinformatics/Data Science
Auxiliary RESEARCHER (M/F) in the area of Bioinformatics/Data Science - 1 VACANCY
Reference: CCMAR/IA/02/2024
Updated in accordance with the selection committee decision taken on 31-01-2024
The Algarve Centre for Marine Sciences (CCMAR) opens a call for an Auxiliary Researcher in the area of Bioinformatics and/or Data Science (M/F), of any nationality, including stateless candidates, under a permanent (sem termo) employment contract in order to recruit and select the best candidate for the development of the project activities under the following conditions:
About CCMAR: The Algarve Centre of Marine Sciences ( is one of the foremost marine science research centres in Portugal, classified Excellent by the Foundation for Science and Technology. With a multidisciplinary team, well-equipped facilities and laboratories, CCMAR develops activities that fall into five different core areas: Research, Training, Business, Society, and Collaboration.
Job Summary and Duties:
This post is for an Auxiliary Researcher in the field of Bioinformatics and/or Data Science to provide expertise in support of CCMAR members and to engage in national and international projects and immediately in the EUREMAP project.
The EUREMAP project aims to leverage strengths available in the field of marine natural products in Europe and in European Research Infrastructures (RIs) and to align capacities and resources of the multidisciplinary field of marine bioprospecting. To support the increasing demand in the field of marine drug discovery, the project will have the opportunity to create a new analytical pipeline that aligns and integrates the existing technical capacities and multidisciplinary expertise of the three European RIs - EU-OPENSCREEN (EU-OS), EMBRC and ELIXIR - working in the field of marine natural products discovery and to build a new European transnational RI service platform to support the competitiveness of an academic and industrial community in the advance of their marine programs in all aspects of this multidisciplinary field.
Specifically, the Auxiliary Researcher will:
- Engage in the EUREMAP project, and other national and European research projects (Horizon Europe Programme), and contribute to RIs for biological data and Open Science (e.g. ELIXIR, EOSC);
- Collaborate with the institutional structures and departments of CCMAR in developing software and IT solutions and contribute to the development of data management policies that optimise internal processes and enhance the offer of technology and knowledge solutions for the Centre.
- Develop and maintain applications and support processes for CCMAR's research infrastructures, and technological and scientific platforms;
- Develop and maintain applications and processes to support service provision and the commercialisation of knowledge and technology;
- Provide bioinformatic support to researchers and students including the development of training curricula;
- Further the development of the scientific strategy of CCMAR.
Relevant Legislation:
- Decree – Law nr 124/99, from 20th April in its current form.
- Decree – Law nr 29/2001 of 3rd February.
- Portuguese Administrative Procedure Code
- Internal Regulation For Scientific Research and Technological Development Personnel, and Science and Technology Management and Communication at Centro de Ciências do Mar do Algarve here
Starting Date: The contract is expected to start in Mach 2024.
Workplace: The workplace will be at CCMAR (Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal) and other places necessary to the completion of the job tasks.
Working Schedule: 35 hours per week.
Monthly Remuneration: Monthly gross salary of 3427.59€.
Application Period: Between 18th of January 2024 and 19th of February 2024 at 23:59 (Lisbon time, Portugal).
Required Profile:
- The successful candidate will have completed a PhD in Bioinformatics, Data Science, Information Technology or similar, with at least 3 years experience in similar functions, and be well-qualified, dynamic, and highly motivated to develop their career in a stimulating international and interdisciplinary environment.
- The candidate should have an excellent curriculum and research capacity demonstrated through publication in internationally recognized journals, project leadership, service provision, invitations to speak at conferences, prizes, as well as the proven capacity to obtain funding in competitive calls.
- A high proficiency in English (spoken and written).
Non-compliance with these requirements invalidates the application. Provision of false documentation will be punished by Law.
Selection panel: the selection panel is composed of Doctor Cymon Cox, Principal Researcher at CCMAR (President); Professor Doctor Deborah Power, Full Professor at the Universidade do Algarve and CCMAR (full member), and Doctor Andrzej Tkacz Auxiliary Researcher at CCMAR (full member), Doctor Teresa Correia, Principal Researcher at CCMAR, (substitute member) and Professor Doctor João Miguel de Sousa de Assis Dias, Assistant Professor at the Universidade do Algarve (substitute member).
Evaluation and Selection Procedure:
The evaluation will consist of a Curricular assessment (final classification between 0 and 100 points).
The evaluation and selection of applications will consider the candidate’s scientific and curricular career path focusing on the relevance, quality, and timeliness of the criteria as follows:
CA) Scientific and technological, cultural or artistic production in the last five years, deemed most relevant by the candidate to perform the project tasks, in accordance with the value defined. The content of the scientific production is more relevant than the publication metrics, or the publisher entity. (30%);
CB) Activities of applied research or based on practice, developed in the last five years, that the candidate considers with greater impact for the tasks to perform in the project, in accordance with the value defined (40%);
CC) Activities of extension and dissemination of knowledge, namely in the promotion of the culture and the scientific practices and developed in the last five years, that the candidate considers more relevant (10%);
CD) Management activities of scientific projects and programmes of research, technology and innovation, or experience in observation, monitoring and evaluation of the scientific and technological system, or higher education, in Portugal or abroad. (20%).
The period of five years referred in the evaluation criteria may be increased by the selection panel, at the request of the candidate, when justified on grounds of suspension of scientific activity for socially protected reasons, namely for reasons of parental leave, prolonged serious illness, and other situations of unavailability for work legally protected.
The selection committee reserves the right to contact and interview candidates if additional information or clarification of any curricular aspect is necessary related with the research results. In case it takes place, the interview aims to evaluate in more detail the curricular items used to grade the candidate according to the list above.
Functioning of the Selection Panel
Evaluation (from 0-100 points) is obtained through assessment of the motivation letter (including a personal assessment of the relevance of the activities of the last five years for the present application, highlighting the chosen scientific publications), and the CV that will include the activities of the specific field and of the scientific and professional path of the applicant and of up to 3 scientific papers of the candidate’s choice.
The score of each candidate is obtained from the sums of the scores of each criterion multiplied by the weights according to the formulation:
C = CA*30% + CB*40% + CC*10% + CD*20%
After determining the final score C of all candidates, each member of the selection panel will rank the candidates according to the final scores assigned to them from the highest to the lowest. This is followed by the vote to the first place and for each successive place. A candidate is selected when they receive the majority of votes. If this does not happen in the first round of voting, the least ranked candidate is eliminated, and the procedure is repeated with the remaining candidates. In case of a draw the vote of the President of the selection panel is decisive.
The selection panel will write minutes of the meetings with a description of the evaluation and selection process including an ordered list of candidates, their classification, and the final decision. The CCMAR Board of Directors shall validate the final decision of the selection panel.
In the event that no applicant has the necessary profile, the selection committee reserves the right to close the call without any recruitment. In the event that the selected person does not take up the position because of failure to comply with documentary requirements or any other reason or later, during the contract, if they resign the jury reserves the right, upon convenience and opportunity, to assign the post to the next applicant in accordance with the ranking positions based on the selectable reservation list that can be used up to 12 months of the date of the present announcement.
Application submission process and mandatory documents:
Applications must be complete and submitted through the CCMAR website Applications are considered to be correctly submitted only after the candidate has received a confirmation e-mail from CCMAR. Applications (in English) must include:
- A Motivation Letter (in English), including a personal assessment of the relevance of the activities of the last five years for the present application, highlighting the chosen publications.
- Detailed CV (in English) including the activities of the specific field and of the scientific and professional path of the applicant, organized according to the evaluation criteria CA to CD.
- A copy of the Doctoral Degree Certificate.
- E-mail contacts of up to 3 referees.
- Up to a maximum of 3 scientific papers chosen by the candidate.
Non-compliance with this documents/information determines the immediate rejection of the application.
Results: The lists of admitted and excluded candidates, and the final classification list, shall be posted on the CCMAR website at and all candidates will be notified by email.
Preliminary Hearing and Final Decision Deadline:
After the assessment of all applications the jury will write a provisional minute with the description of the admission process, assessment and selection, including the list of the ordered candidates and their classification and decision. All candidates will be notified by email of the provisional decision of the jury. In accordance with article 121 of the Portuguese Administrative Procedure Code, after being notified by electronic email all candidates have 10 working days, counted from the date of dispatch of the notification by electronic email, to contest the preliminary decision sending an email to the jury of the present call. The final decision will be validated by the CCMAR board of Directors, and all candidates will be notified by electronic email within 90 working days counted of the application deadline.
Candidates holding degrees awarded by a foreign university should have their degree recognized by a Portuguese higher education institution by the time of contract signing. Non-compliance justifies exclusion from the procedure. Information about the recognition procedures can be obtained at any Portuguese university or here.
The board of Directors reserves the right, due to a change in circumstances at the date of the present announcement, to cancel the present call without any recruitment.
Disabled candidates shall be preferred in a situation of equal classification, and said preference supersedes any legal preferences. Candidates must declare, on their honour, their respective disability degree, type of disability and communication/expression means to be used during selection period on their application form, under the regulations above.
CCMAR’s non-discrimination and equal access opportunities policy – No candidate can be privileged, benefited, jeopardised, or be deprived of any right or exempt of any claim in regard to descendent, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, economic situation, origin, social economy, genetic heritage, disability, chronic disease, nationality, ethnicity, territory of origin, language, religion, politics, ideology or union membership.
The members of the jury approved this announcement on January 31st 2024.