CCMAR/IJ/22/2021 - Junior Researcher (M/F)
JUNIOR RESEARCHER (M/F) Ocean Sciences, Geoscience - 1 VACANCY
Reference: CCMAR/IJ/22/2021
The Algarve Centre for Marine Sciences (CCMAR) opens a call for a Junior Researcher (M/F) of any nationality, including stateless candidates under an uncertain term employment contract within the research project EXPL/CTA-GEO/1518/2021 – “Exploração do potencial dos EERs como indicadores de produtividade em foraminíferos planctónicos ao longo da costa oeste da Margem Ibérica.”, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P./MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC).
Job Summary and Duties:
This post is for a junior researcher in the field of Ocean Sciences to Explore the potential of REEs in planktonic foraminifera as productivity indicators.
Specifically the Junior Researcher will:
a) Define the better cleaning procedure to for REEs measurements;
b) Perform analysis (REEs, Ba/Ca, Cd/Ca, δ13C) in the two most abundant living planktonic foraminifera species as well as on surface sediments for each of the studied regions;
c) Perform the counting and faunal assemblages on planktonic foraminifera and diatoms on plankton and sediment samples of the study regions;
d) Measure the organic carbon content (Corg) in the sediment samples;
e) Calibration of each REE signal with living and fossil planktonic foraminifera and the water column properties;
f) Prepare the publication of the obtained results.
Relevant Legislation: Decree-Law nr 57/2016, from 29th August, altered by Law nr 57/2017, from 19th July, (RJEC).
Portuguese Labour Law, approved by Law nr 7/2009, from 12th February in its current form.
Decree – Law nr 124/99, from 20th April in its current form.
Regulatory Decree nr 11-A / 2017, of 29th December.
Decree – Law nr 29/2001 of 3rd February.
Portuguese Administrative Procedure Code
Starting Date: The contract is expected to start in April 2022 and will last for the time necessary to complete the working plan.
Workplace: The workplace is IPMA (Av. Doutor Magalhães Ramalho 6, Algés, Portugal)
Working Schedule: 35 hours per week.
Monthly Remuneration: Gross monthly Remuneration is 2.153,94€, in accordance with subsection a), section 1, article 15 from Law nr. 57/2017, 19th July, and with the remuneration position at initial level predicted in article 2 of Regulatory Decree nr. 11-A/2017, of 29th December, correspondent to level 33 at Tabela Remuneratória Única, approved by Decree Law No 109-A/2021 of 7th December 2021.
Application Period: Between 3rd February 2022 and 17th February 2022 at 23:59 (Lisbon time, Portugal).
Required Profile:
1. Have a PhD in Geology, Geological Oceanography, Natural Sciences or similar;
2. Experience in the study of plactonic foraminifera both alive and fossil;
3. Experience on the use of diatoms as productivity proxies;
4. Experience in international projects;
5. Experience in Oceanographic campaigns (organization and participation);
6. Excelence in English (oral and written)
Non-compliance with any of these requirements invalidates the application. Provision of false documentation will be punished by law.
Selection panel: in accordance with article 13º of RJEC the selection panel is composed of Professor Fátima Filomena Guedes Abrantes, senior researcher at IPMA and CCMAR (President), Dr. Antje Louise Voelker, Researcher at IPMA and CCMAR (Member) and Dr. Pedro Costa, Researcher at IPMA and CCMAR (Member).
Evaluation and Selection Process:
The evaluation will consist of a Curricular assessment (final classification between 0 and 100 points) followed by interview in case it is considered necessary by the Juri.
Curricular assessment
The evaluation of all candidates in the first phase must be completed within a period of no more than one calendar month after reception of the applications. The selection is made through the evaluation of: a motivation letter which will include relevant activities and career development plan; the curriculum vitae, which should be detailed and include the candidate’s scientific and professional career path focusing on the relevance, quality, and timeliness of the criteria referred to in Article 5 (2) (a) to (d) of the RJEC. The assessment criteria, and the candidate’s ability to perform the duties required, will be assessed as follows:
CA) Scientific, cultural and technological production in the last five years, deemed most relevant by the candidate;
CB) Activities of applied research or based on practice , developed in the last five years, that the candidate considers with greater impact;
CC) Activities of extension and dissemination of knowledge, namely in the promotion of the culture and the scientific practices and developed in the last five years, that the candidate considers more relevant;
CD) Management activities of scientific projects and programmes of research, technology and innovation, or experience in observation, monitoring and evaluation of the scientific and technological system, or higher education, in Portugal or abroad.
The period of five years referred in the evaluation criteria may be increased by the selection panel, at the request of the candidate, when justified on grounds of suspension of scientific activity for socially protected reasons, namely for reasons of parental leave, prolonged serious illness, and other situations of unavailability for work legally protected.
The jury's deliberations are taken by nominal vote, with no abstentions allowed.
The jury decides on the approval in absolute merit, based on the merit of the candidates' global curriculum in the scientific area of the competition. The candidates who have obtained less than 70 points in the curricular assessment will not be considered in absolute merit.
Each member of the selection panel will assess all the candidates considering factors CA to CD, scoring between 0 and 100, and justify the attributed scores .
The curricular assessment (C) of each candidate is obtained from the sums of the scores of each criteria multiplied by the weights according to the formulation.
C = CA*75 + CB*10 + CC*10 + CD*5
In the case of interview, the final score (FS) of each candidate is obtained from the sum of the results of the curricular assessment (C) and of the interview (I), if applicable, according to the following formulation, rounded to the decimal place.
FS = C*90 + I*10
After determining the final score (FS) of all candidates, each member of the selection panel will rank the candidates, according to the final scores assigned to them from the highest to the lowest. This is followed by the vote to the first place and for each successive place. A candidate is selected when they receive the majority of votes. If this does not happen in the first round of voting, the least ranked candidate is eliminated, and the procedure is repeated with the remaining candidates. In case of a draw the vote of the President of the selection panel is decive.
The decision of non admission of the application, exclusion on absolute merit and the provisional classifications is notified to the applicants, by email, under the right of prior hearing .
The selection panel will write minutes of the meetings with a description of the evaluation and selection process including an ordered list of candidates, their classification, and the final decision. The CCMAR Board of Directors shall validate the final decision of the selection panel.
In the event that no applicant has the necessary profile, the selection committee reserves the right to close the call without any recruitment. In the event that the selected person does not take up the position because of failure to comply with documentary requirements or any other reason or later, during the contract, if they resign the jury reserves the right, upon convenience and opportunity, to assign the post to the next applicant in accordance with the ranking positions.
Application submission process and mandatory documents:
Applications must be complete and submitted through the CCMAR website Applications are considered to be correctly submitted only after the candidate has received a confirmation e-mail from CCMAR. Applications (in English) must include:
•a Motivation Letter (in English) including a personal assessment of the relevance of the activities of the last five years for the present application, and a career plan.
•detailed CV (in English) including DOI.
•a copy of the Doctoral Degree Certificate
•email contacts of up to 3 referees.
Non-compliance with these documents/information determines the immediate rejection of the application.
The lists of admitted and excluded candidates, and the final classification list, shall be posted on the CCMAR website at and all candidates will be notified by email.
Preliminary Hearing and Final Decision Deadline:
The decisions of non-admission, to exclude on absolute merit and the provisional classifications is communicated to the candidates by electronic mail for the purpose of hearing with interested parties. After notification, candidates have 10 working days to contest the preliminary decision. The final decisions will be announced within 90 days of the application deadline.
Candidates holding degrees awarded by a foreign university should have their degree recognized in Portugal no later than the date indicated in the communication of selection for the position.Non-compliance justifies exclusion from the procedure. Information about the recognition procedures can be obtained at any Portuguese university or here. The board of directors reserves the right, upon request from the candidate, to extend the compliance period provided it does not impact negatively the programmed activities.
Disabled candidates shall be preferred in a situation of equal classification, and said preference supersedes any legal preferences. Candidates must declare, on their honour, their respective disability degree, type of disability and communication / expression means to be used during selection period on their application form, under the regulations above.
CCMAR’s non-discrimination and equal access opportunities policy – No candidate can be privileged, benefited, jeopardised or be deprived of any right or exempt of any claim in regards to descendent, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, economic situation, origin, social economy, genetic heritage, disability, chronic disease, nationality, ethnicity, territory of origin, language, religion, politics, ideology or union membership.
The members of the jury approved this announcement on December 13th 2021.