Research Fellowship (MSc.) Advertisement – 1 vacancy (CCMAR/BI/0010/2018) | - CCMAR -

Research Fellowship (MSc.) Advertisement – 1 vacancy (CCMAR/BI/0010/2018)

Research Fellowship (MSc.) Advertisement – 1 vacancy


Within the project ASSEMBLE PLUS


Ref. ª: CCMAR/BI/0010/2018



The Centre for Marine Sciences (CCMAR) in the Algarve, Portugal, opens a position for a MSc. Research fellowship (BI – Mestre) in the project with the reference 2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017/H2020-INFRAIA-2016-1-730984 – ASSEMBLE PLUS “Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded.” funded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under the following conditions:



Tasks to perform:

To give assistance to all the work within JRA2 of the project, from carrying out experiences to data treatment and writing scientific reports.


Scientific orientation:

Professor Elsa  Cabrita, Assistant Professor at Algarve University and researcher at CCMAR.


Work place:

CCMAR at the Gambelas Campus of the Algarve University, Portugal.




  1. To hold a BSc. and a MSc. in Marine Biology or related field with a special emphasis in Aquaculture.
  2. Experience in cryobiology namely in cryopreservation techniques.
  3. Experience in gametes quality analysis techniques (spermatic mobility and viability through flow cytometry).
  4. Skills in scientific dissemination for the general public.



Evaluation criteria:

  1. Average of the academic scores - 30%
  2. Experience in cryobiology 40%
  3. Experience in gametes quality analysis techniques 30%


The jury might interview the top 3 applicants if they require further information or clarification on the applications.


In the event that no applicant has the necessary profile (a final score equal or inferior to 13 values (out of 20)) the jury reserves the right to close the call without any recruitment.



Grant conditions: The grant will have an initial duration of 03 months, starting in January 2019 and might be renewed for additional periods up to the end of the project. The fellowship must be undertaken exclusively (full time) according to the Portuguese law 40/2004, of 18 of August (Scientific Research Fellowship holder statutes), Fellowship Regulation of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology in force and the rules of CCMAR research grants



Monthly maintenance allowance: A maintenance allowance of 980€/net (tax free) will be paid each month through inter-bank transfer in accordance with the grant amounts set by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology .



Application period:  from 21 November to 5 of December 2018.



Application submission process: Only applications submitted through the CCMAR website will be considered: Applications are considered to be correctly submitted only after the candidate has received a confirmation e-mail from CCMAR. Applications (in English or Portuguese) should include a Motivation Letter (that details the candidates experience in each evaluation criterion), a detailed Curriculum Vitae, copy of the candidates MSc. and BSc. certificates and the email contacts of up to 3 referees.



Results and Preliminary Hearing: The judgement of the selection committee will be communicated by email within 45 working days after the application deadline. After notification, candidates have 10 working days to contest the preliminary decision sending an email to the selection committee.



Selection Committee: Professor Elsa  Cabrita, Assistant Professor at Algarve University and researcher at CCMAR (President of the jury), Dr. Catarina Oliveira, researcher at CCMAR (jury member) and Dr. Elvira Fatsini, researcher at CCMAR (jury member).


Disabled candidates shall be preferred in a situation of equal classification, and said preference supersedes any legal preferences. Candidates must declare, on their honour, their respective disability degree, type of disability and communication / expression means to be used during selection period on their application form, under the regulations above.


CCMAR’s non-discrimination and equal access opportunities policy – No candidate can be privileged, benefited, jeopardised or be deprived of any right or exempt of any claim in regards to descendent, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, economic situation, origin, social economy, genetic heritage, disability, chronic disease, nationality, ethnicity, territory of origin, language, religion, politics, ideology or union membership. 


Faro, November 9th, 2018


Research Assistant
21/11/2018 to 05/12/2018