CCMAR on board of Iberian scientific campaign on acidification of marine organisms | - CCMAR -

CCMAR on board of Iberian scientific campaign on acidification of marine organisms


Our researchers Emília Salgueiro, Lélia Matos, Andreia Rebotim are participating in the CARBO-ACID - Eurofleets a scientific campaign onboard RV Ramon Margalef,that takes place in August 

This cruise establishes the bases for the investigation of the potential effects of ocean acidification on carbonate marine organisms (coccolithophores, pteropods, planktonic and benthic foraminifera, and corals) along the Iberian coast.

On board there will be collect multi-samples from the water column, plankton, corals and sediments to evaluate, for the first time along the Iberian margin, the acidification effects into the entire water column for the pre / post-industrial transition.
For that, oceanographic data and water, plankton, cold-water corals, and sediment samples will be collect during an upwelling season, along two transects coinciding with the two prominent upwelling filaments of the Iberia coast: the Cape Finisterra and Estremadura Spur filaments.

This study will focus on seawater pH variations in this seasonal coastal upwelling region during the pre- and post-industrial transition (centennial-to-decade time resolution) and interglacial/ glacial climatic cycles.

The expected results of this cruise will allow to compare variations at different time-scales and under different forcings (natural vs. anthropogenic), and to estimate the amplitude of future changes in the ocean in terms of CO2.