CCMAR is one of the partners of LIFE Ilhas-Barreira | - CCMAR -

CCMAR is one of the partners of LIFE Ilhas-Barreira

The LIFE Ilhas-Barreira project was recently presented and aims to promote the conservation of barrier islands through the protection of seabird species and priority habitats. The Centre for Marine Sciences (CCMAR) is one of the project partners and has the task of working with fishermen to reduce conflicts between this activity and some protected marine species.
The LIFE Ilhas-Barreira project lasts four years and is coordinated by the Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA) and integrates a very wide range of regional partners, including ICNF, RIAS, CIMA, MARE of the University of Coimbra and Animaris.
CCMAR will also collaborate with regard to the compatibility and reduction of conflicts between fishing activity and protected marine species, among which is the sparrow-bale, which despite not nesting in the barrier islands is often accidentally caught by fishing gear.
The project covers a wide spectrum of activities, in terms of protection and conservation of vegetation, fauna and other characteristic aspects of these islands. For all these aspects, it has strategic partners that will help in the execution of the project until 2023. Life Ilhas-Barreira has a budget of 2.5 million euros, 75% reimbursed by the European Union's LIFE Program.