CCMAR participates in the 1st edition of the National Week on Invasive Species | - CCMAR -

CCMAR participates in the 1st edition of the National Week on Invasive Species


The NEMA project - New Marine Species of the Algarve, from CCMAR, participates in this first national edition of the Week on invasive species, an initiative promoted by the platform. The week that aims to raise awareness about biological invasions runs from 10 to 18 October.

NEMA's participation in this initiative is punctuated by the organization of two Underwater FotoBlitz. Certified divers are invited to participate in this search for non-native marine species! Each participant must have his own photo, or alternatively some type of GoPro-type action cam, in order to register the largest possible number of species during the dive!

On October 11th (8:30 am), FotoBlitz will take place in Portimão, in collaboration with the Subnauta diving center and on October 18th, at the same time, it will be Albufeira's turn, with the collaboration of the Easydivers diving center!

Each day a dive will be carried out at depths between 10 and 14 meters, so the minimum necessary diving certification is Open Water Diver. The schedule, price of the dive and organization is responsibility of each diving center. There will be a certificate of participation for everyone and for those who manage to find more species there will be also some gifts!

For more information about some species of interest in FotoBlitz, NEMA puts all of this data available on its page: